Classroom News

 Years 4 - 6

Today our year 4 and 5/6 classes took part in a nation wide Frog ID survey.  

Frog ID aims to establish a nation-wide database of frog calls to document the true species diversity, distributions and breeding habitats of Australian frogs with high geographic coverage, and spatial, temporal and taxonomic accuracy never before possible.

Monitor frog distributions over time, help understand how frogs, and their ecosystems, are responding to a changing planet.

Inform conservation prioritisation and land-use planning decisions in Australia.

Connect the public with nature and raise awareness of the frogs and biodiversity conservation, facilitating participation in scientific research.



Class 1/2 with Kristie

We are exloping our natural world and went looking for mini beasts in our school grounds. On our first outing we saw ants in our Fairy Garden.  We have then recreated what we saw. Our Ants certainly went marching to higher ground with the wet weather moving in.  All students where very engaged in this task. We wonder what mini beasts will cross our paths next.......



As of the start of this week our Preps are now able to venture past the Fairy Garden and onto the lawn area infront of the BER Building, aka the footy oval. We have seen a few egar preps get right into the footy kicking this week. Our older students have been very welcoming.