Principal's Report

By Carolyn Serpell

This week, students in Prep-6 have been

 participating in whole school running around the oval in preparation for the upcoming Cross Country event at Tawonga, on Friday the 19th May.  In addition to building stamina and fitness, students are enjoying this extra opportunity to get in some exercise and to join together as a whole school.  It has been great to see students really trying to run as many laps as they can during the 20 minute timeframe.  

With the arrival of this week's wet weather and the accompanying puddles and slippery ground, it is a timely reminder to please pack extra clothes, including socks and shoes, so that students are able to change if they get wet/muddy. 


Today, students in Years 4-6 had the opportunity to participate in an special education programe with Landcare, focussing on frog identification.  This included learning about frog habitat and their calls and how they can become citizen scientists.

This session will be followed next Thursday with a special indigenous Art Work session, led by a local indigenous elder, Aunty Valda, who will talk to the students about the area and also the fish, birds and fauna who inhabit it. She will be accompanied by an artist who will run workshops for the students using stencils and art pens to create designs on small canvases.  It is hoped that some of these artworks can then be incorporated into some new landcare signage that is being installed to describe the areas being regenerated near the West Kiewa River.


Next Friday, the 12th May, students in Years 2 & 3 will travel to Harrietville to participate in an exploration of the area's local Gold History and to try their hand at gold panning.  Many thanks to staff for their organisation and to our parent volunteers, who will be attending on the day.

Families are invited to apply for CSEF funding through the following link. Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF): Resources |  if you have not applied already or have been rolled over from previous years.  To qualify for this funding, families need to have a Health Care card (or an equivalent concession card).   We encourage families who can, to take up this program of $125/student to go towards costings of camps and excursions for their children.  Applications remain open for this year until the 23rd June 2023.