VET course Certificate II in Community Services. 

Staughton Secondary College offers students the opportunity to acquire accredited entry level skills for community services work.

Staughton has put into the curriculum a VET course called, CHC22015 Certificate II in Community Services. This qualification provides students with a broad range of skills and knowledge to pursue a career or further training in the community services sector. Staughton College is committed to providing our students with efficient, cost-effective pathways to employment by providing 'applied' (or practical) learning opportunities. 

In partnership with IVET, our teachers are delivering a number of course units against a sequenced delivery schedule of core units, following a Master Training and Assessment Strategy, online IVET training and learning platform, and set hours timetabled into class hours.  Students have been required to pass a Language, Literacy and a Numeracy test, create an online profile and log in and submit work via a student portal.   

This training package is a Vocational education and training (VET) learning course designed to build targeted and practical skills that relates to a career pathway in the community services industry, or in further education and training. Undertaking VET while at school allows students to mix general and vocational education and to make a start on training for a career before they leave school.

The VET Community Services program is drawn from a national training package and offers portable qualifications which are recognised throughout Australia.   Through VET courses, students can acquire or strengthen skills such as problem solving, decision making, communication and interpersonal skills. 


Daryl Nayler              Teacher

Samantha Trewin    Teacher