The 2023 GAT


The 2023 GAT will be held on Thursday 15 June as follows:


General Achievement Test

 Section A: Literacy (Reading and Writing) and Numeracy
9:00–9:15amReading time

Writing time to complete Section A, which has:

  • one writing task with 2 parts
  • 50 numeracy multiple-choice questions
  • 50 reading multiple-choice questions
 Section B: General knowledge and skills
1:15–1:30pmReading time

Writing time to complete Section B, which has:

  • one extended writing task
  • 25 mathematics, science and technology multiple-choice questions
  • 25 arts and humanities multiple-choice questions


Section A of the GAT will start at 9 am, providing a break of 2 hours between sessions.

All students enrolled in one or more VCE or scored VCE VET Unit 3–4 sequence are required to sit Sections A and B of the GAT.Students enrolled in one or more VCE VM Unit 3-4 sequence or Senior VCAL unit are required to sit Section A only.