A Message from David & Cam...

We have had an incredibly busy start to the term packed with many events and activities across the school. The P-3 students just finished their 8-day intensive swimming program (thanks Nancy for your organisation of this), the year 4s have been to camp, the whole school enjoyed the athletics and sports day yesterday and today we are celebrating mothers and other special people in our students' lives. 


We also have other special events coming up this term beginning with Education Week next week with the theme: Active Learners – Move, Make, Motivate.


The curriculum programs are also in full swing and the students are engaged in stimulating and challenging lessons every day. We encourage you to check out the Curriculum Newsletters page of this newsletter for an overview of what each year level is focusing on this term and to help facilitate conversations with your child about their learning.

Grade 4 Camp

Our Grade 4 students have enjoyed a fantastic camp at Camp Arrabri this week. The students participated in eight activities including archery, the giant swing, flying fox, low ropes and orienteering. The students participated keenly in these activities and our KEFAR Values were on full display! It was wonderful to see students challenging themselves by putting themselves outside their comfort zone in order to maximise their camping experience. The weather wasn't kind to us, however, the students didn't let the dreary weather detract from the enjoyment of the camp. We even did a river walk and panned for gold!


The staff at Camp Arrabri were very complementary in relation to our students' responsible behaviour and respect towards all of the staff. Thank you very much to Eugene, Merryn, Zach, Carly, Sammy & Cam for their dedication and commitment in supporting the students in all facets of camp life.

Athletics & Sports Day

3-6 Athletics

The day was simply perfect for our 3-6 athletics carnival yesterday. All of the students tried their best in all the different events and we were most impressed by how supportive and encouraging of the students were towards their peers in all the events. Nancy is compiling the results of the different events and working out who will progress to the next stages of competition. This information will be published in the near future. 


P-2 Sports Day

Whilst all the big kids were off at athletics, our P-2 students were enjoying a fun-filled morning of different activities and games. From all reports, the sports day was a great success and all the students had a great time. The P-2 students were able to make new friends in their mixed groups and were required to work together to complete challenges. Thanks to all the teachers, ES staff and parents that were able to help out and make the event so fun for our students.

Annual Report

Our school’s Annual Report was presented at the Annual General Meeting last term. The Annual Report provides principals and school councils with an opportunity to share the year’s achievements and progress with the school community. This includes reflecting on the school’s performance and explaining the impact of school improvement efforts on student outcomes.


The report provides details about our school improvement strategies and the impact that these strategies have had on student outcomes. The report also includes a selection of important measures that we use to determine areas for improvement and to monitor our progress. Overall, the report is a great way to reflect and celebrate the achievements of 2022.


The Annual Report can be found on our website or through the link below.

Maths Olympiad

A dedicated team of mathematicians have been meeting regularly during lunchtime to engage in some fun and challenging mathematics tasks. The team then gets the opportunity to compete against other students and they had their first competition last week. The students all worked hard and persisted through the challenges, had lots of fun and got some terrific results! Well done team! 

Student Attitude Towards School Survey

Next week we will be conducting student surveys with all students in years 4-6. The surveys provide students with an opportunity to share their voice which supports us to improve student engagement, wellbeing and quality instruction. The survey is an annual student survey offered by the Department of Education to assist schools to gain an understanding of students' perceptions and experience of school. Students will be asked about their thoughts and feelings in relation to their school, their learning, peer relationships, resilience, bullying, health and wellbeing, physical activity, and life in general.


Participation in this survey is voluntary. If you do not wish for your child to do the survey, please opt out via email to your school: altona.green.ps@education.vic.gov.au. Please do so before 15/5/23, stating that you wish to opt out of your child’s participation, along with their name and year level.

Free Eye Tests

Altona Green is pleased to announce that the Student Eyecare Program will be running at the school in Term 3.  An optometrist will be onsite during school hours to provide students with a free comprehensive eye examination that is covered through Medicare Australia. 1 in 6 students have eye conditions that go undetected. This is due to the high level of visual demand on their eyes from books, laptops, tablets and smartphones. Every student will receive a full report about their eye health and a prescription will be provided if glasses are required. The prescription can be taken to any optical store to get the glasses made. Don’t miss out on this wonderful opportunity.  


To register, please click on the following link: https://forms.gle/KW7KNshDce8gBjVD6

Positive Partnerships Webinars

Positive Partnerships are offering free government-funded webinars and workshops for parents and carers. See flyers below for details.

Staff Carpark

A reminder that the staff carpark is only to be used by parents when accessing before and after school care. School drop off and pick up should be done via one of the other gates along Victorian St, Elizabeth Court or at the rear of the school. Having children moving through the carpark is a serious safety risk. We thank you for your support with this.

School Photos - 24th May

2024 Prep Enrolments

If you have a child beginning prep in 2024, please complete an enrolment form (via our website) and send to Jenny by the 28th July 2023. Thank you to all those families that have already done so.


We are offering school tours for any families that are considering Altona Green for their 2024 prep child. The tours will be held on the following dates:

  • 10:00am Thursday 18th May
  • 10:00am Tuesday 30th May

Please register your interest in attending any of these tours by contacting the office 9360 0777 or via email altona.green.ps@education.vic.gov.au 



Take care,


David & Cam