Grade 5/6
Miss Eade, Mrs Lupa and Mrs Trewick
Grade 5/6
Miss Eade, Mrs Lupa and Mrs Trewick
Leadership Day
St Joseph’s Rochester met with a variety of other schools in our region, at St Mary’s school and participated in a variety of activities such as; Dance Mob, Kelly Sports and Twisted Science. Meeting new people and having fun was a highlight of the day.
Term two has begun with great enthusiasm. The focus of our reading activities will include tasks such as; character analysis and critiquing. The class novel “Because of Mr Terupt” will be a main focus of many of our literacy lessons. The children are loving the book.
Maths -
Numeracy testing and mathematical tasks in the area of Decimals has been interesting. Identifying the place value of decimals, ordering and applying these numbers in problems using addition and subtraction has been great.
Inquiry -
Our unit topic ‘Concept of Change’ has begun. The students have been identifying how ‘change’ is caused by an action; whether it is positive or negative, there are implications which can be large or small.
Choosing an event in Australian history and researching about it has been very interesting.