Grade 1/2
Miss Williams, Mrs Schwab and Mrs Kerlin
Grade 1/2
Miss Williams, Mrs Schwab and Mrs Kerlin
Year 1 2 Unit
This term the Year 1 2 classes have begun reading groups, working across the classes for some part of our Literacy block. We have enjoyed working with a teacher for supported reading of our decodable texts, with a partner for buddy reading, with a small group to complete word activities though games. Our iPads have helped with our daily review of lessons from the previous day. We have settled really well into our new routines. Our homework routine begins this week when we will take home our supported reading text following a session with our teacher. We are lucky enough to have the opportunity to have two sessions with our teacher each where we read with a small group, discuss the story and complete some comprehension questions and word work.
To launch our new Inquiry unit Stimulating Science we were immersed with an experiment about this week to demonstrate the change for We made predictions and introduced some of the scientific language about change before we tested the questions they had by observing the teacher. We began by making playdoh, this formed the base for our volcano. Then we demonstrated how by mixing particular ingredients you will have a reaction. The children were able to test some of their questions. The children were keen to have the lesson to take home so we have made this available on Seesaw this week.