Messages from Mrs Trewick


Dear Parents and Carers


We have had a great start to the term. Our students have been enjoying the pavilion and being able to play out of the wind and colder weather.


Building Update

Catholic Education Sandhurst and Bay Building are working together to find a solution to some structural concerns in our main building. We hope to have some more news in the coming weeks. 

The Kildare Centre is also a work in progress. Getting this up and running is a priority for winter so we have somewhere to gather on the colder days.



I have noticed that some children are wearing a coat rather than their polar fleece or hoodie. A coat is not a replacement piece for a jumper, it is an extra on cold days. We appreciate that your child might see another child out of uniform, this does not mean it is acceptable. All children are expected to wear the correct polo top, jumper and navy shorts or pants.

Thank you to the families that have made contact with us if their child is going to be out of uniform.


 Names on uniforms are super helpful when they are left in the yard. We will be having a BLITZ on names on uniforms. 



Thank you to all families that brought their children to the march and service. We have received so many positive comments about our attendance and participation. 

Mother's Day and Cross Country: Thursday 11 May

This year we have decided to combine our Mother's Day celebration with Cross Country. 

Children will participate in a 'Run for Mum' at the Windridge Oval. The coffee van will be in attendance and muffins will be served as a part of our morning.

All children will receive a small hot chocolate and mini muffin after their run. 

We hope that lots of mums/grandparents and special people can attend.


A flyer was sent home with the eldest child on Wednesday.



Pupil Free Days

There are two (2) pupil free days in term 2.

 - Monday 29 May

 - Wednesday 7 June

While we try to plan for days either side of the weekend, it is important that the Pupil Free Day on Wednesday 7 June has all staff in attendance. We are excited for this new learning and we look forward to sharing this news soon.






Community Recovery Committee - Rochester

I am a member of the Community Recovery Committee that has been meeting regularly since the middle of October. At this time, our concern is for residents during Winter. If you need anything, please don't hesitate to come and speak to me. It will be a confidential conversation and every effort will be made to support you at this time.


Take care and stay in touch.