Student Wellbeing

The Kids Helpline is a counselling service that may be beneficial for your child. 

The service provides 24/7 support where children can discuss their worries (big or small) with a counsellor.


Children are free to discuss something that has happened at school or home, or they can talk about their feelings. Their contact number is 1800 55 1800.


Parents and carers, along with educators, play a vital role in assisting their child/ren to be ethical digital citizens as they get older. It is important that parents and carers are aware of what their child/ren are doing online. Talking with your child/ren about appropriate and inappropriate online behaviour will help them to stay safe in the digital world. 


The key is to stay involved and keep the lines of communication open in a way that helps your child/ren understand that whilst you respect their privacy, you want to ensure that they are safe.


The following links may be of assistance for parents/carers to help your child/ren to be ethical digital citizens:


The following link provides up to date information about the latest Apps and games, features, capabilities and age-limit recommendations: