Brisbane Clinics Update

Hello friends and families,


Welcome to the April edition of the Early Start Australia - Brisbane Clinics Update. 


Happy Easter from the team at Early Start Australia
Happy Easter from the team at Early Start Australia


What's On over Easter?

Our clinics are still accepting new clients and continuing all scheduled therapy appointments throughout the school holidays. Still looking for things to do? Our Easter holiday groups can be found on the next page.  A couple of our groups are not completely full, so please take a look and get in touch if you'd like to grab a spot.


Welcome Tracey!

We are thrilled to welcome Tracey Colville to our Murarrie clinic as our new Lead Administrator. We asked Tracey to introduce herself.


Tracey, Lead Administrator, Murarrie
Tracey, Lead Administrator, Murarrie

"I have 25 years experience in the childcare industry and a passion for helping children and their families to achieve the best possible outcomes in life. I have two daughters and two grandchildren with another grandchild on the way. I love spending time with my family, enjoying the great outdoors and finding great camping spots". 


Please say hello to Tracey when you next visit or call the Murarrie clinic.


Needing an assessment?

We have availability for assessments across many of our clinics over these holidays. If you are needing a Functional Capacity Assessment for NDIS, are exploring a possible diagnosis for your child, or would like some additional information and support in relation to some of the challenges your child is experiencing, please do not hesitate to reach out. 


Take care and wishing you a great long weekend x




Liselle, Christine, Carissa, Fanoula & Kimberlee 

(ESA Brisbane Practice Principals)




Easter school holidays - Saturday 1 April – Sunday 16 April (clinics open except for Public Holidays)

Good Friday - 7 April (clinics closed)

Easter Monday - 10 April (clinics closed)

Anzac Day - 25 April (clinics closed


Can't make an appointment?

We will use the time we have set aside for you to work on other therapy activities as discussed with you at the beginning of your therapy journey with us. The most successful, effective therapy programs, incorporate more than just weekly or fortnightly therapy appointments. 


It's important and necessary that your therapist:

  • collaborates with your child's other health care professionals, educators and other care givers 
  • clearly documents progress and reviews your treatment plan regularly
  • provides feedback, education and support to parents
  • creates therapy resources, therapy aids and other tailored materials to support therapy at home

We will always aim to optimise your funding, work within your budget, and continue to work conscientiously towards your child's therapy goals by providing these additional services. These services are invoiced as 'non face to face ' time and we will always convert your cancelled appointment to time dedicated to your child where it is clinically appropriate. Please talk to our client services team or your therapist if you have any questions about your child's therapy program.


New to ESA? Here's a bit more about us.....

At Early Start Australia (ESA) our therapists provide therapy to children and young adults with developmental delays including autism spectrum disorder. Our therapists focus on all important life skills such as language development, and development of motor, cognitive, social, play and emotional skills. We also offer assessment services to assist with NDIS access and reviews, and diagnosis of ASD, ADHD, learning disorders, speech/ language disorders, intellectual disability, and other diagnosable conditions.

We are a registered NDIS provider.


ESA now has six clinics in the Greater Brisbane region - all offering both in-clinic, mobile and telehealth services including Psychology, Occupational Therapy, and Speech Language Pathology. 


Click the links below for services available at each clinic.


Upper Mount Gravatt (formerly Boost)

Carina (formerly Child Aware)

Toowong (formerly Synchrony)

Murarrie (formerly Gateway Therapies)




We also have clinics located in the Gold and Sunshine Coasts, and all Australian states and territories if you need services further afield. 





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