ICAS 2023

ICAS 2023
This year we are offering participation in ICAS tests to students in Grades 3-6.
ICAS tests are designed to recognise academic excellence, giving students to the opportunity to apply their learning in a new different context. ICAS testing is an optional, parent paid program. ICAS testing is not part of our school assessment schedule, but may be seen as an opportunity for students to gain experience in test conditions. Every participating student will receive a printed certificate and an online results report.
This year we will be offering Maths, English and Science tests. Whilst entering students in ICAS is at parents’ discretion, we recommend that ICAS tests are most suitable for students achieving at least 6 months above level in that particular curriculum area.
ICAS tests will take place on the following days:
English- Wednesday 16th August 9am
Science – Wednesday 23rd August 9am
Maths - Thursday 31st August 9am
The cost is $19.25 per test.
Tests will take place in the MPR.
If students are absent on the day of their test, we will endeavour to offer a make-up time however this may not be possible in all cases.
Enrolments will remain open until 23th June. Late enrolments will not be accepted. If you would like to enrol your child for any of the ICAS tests, please follow the link below to register and pay directly with ICAS.
Parent page: https://shop.icasassessments.com/pages/pps
School access code: NYB436
ICAS results will be sent to the school a few weeks after the tests and the certificates will be distributed to students.
Any questions please email Sarah Ryan: sarah.hance@education.vic.gov.au