Year 9 History organised and led the 2021 ANZAC Memorial at St Mary’s Catholic College. Held in the Nazareth Pavilion, the St Mary’s community gathered together for a service, which involved many members of the Catholic community, to honour the spirits of our past ANZACs. Nicholas Vallianos and Bella Franze led the service, and Elizabeth Derbyshire gave the acknowledgement of Country, which is spoken to recognise and acknowledge the role played by the Indigenous peoples, their cultures and their service. Airforce, Navy and Army cadets stood by on parade and guarded the Australian flag. Representatives from each of the year levels contributed prayers for peace and respect, followed by the St Mary’s Choir singing, “Danny Boy”. The Ode was read by Jack Williams, and the Last Post, a bugle call played that signifies a soldier’s final rest, and Rouse, were played by Andrew Oxford.


St Mary’s special guest, Brigadier George Mansford, was unfortunately unable to attend due to the flooding rains. Fortunately Major Stamell from the Edmonton Porton Barracks was able to attend on behalf of Brigadier Mansford, and was able to deliver the speech Brigadier had prepared. The central message to his speech was, “What did the ANZACs fight for, and how can we continue to honour their spirits?” 


The Year 9 History class was proud to present a special commemoration to past Australians who have defended our country and way of life.







Suri Merrill

Year 9 -  History student