Year 8 flexi-space!
Year 8B English
Last term, students enjoyed the luxury of reading their class novel on super comfortable couches and having the ability to analyse their set text using the back wall which consists of 8 whiteboards! This term is no different. Students are reading Shakespearean plays in style! Here's what some of 8B's students have to say about their classroom:
"I love my English classroom because you get to learn in a different way. It's comfortable and there's so much room for everyone. I've even written on the whiteboards on the back wall which I thought was cool."
Luka Music
"My favourite part about this classroom is being able to get together and read as a class on the couches and have enough space for everybody to comfortably sit and enjoy."
Mina Mladenovic
"I like the way that the teachers help us learn new techniques and use them to analyse Shakespearean plays in style - using the back couches and whiteboards to help!"
Fabian Soto Marambio
We can't wait to continue using this innovative classroom for many more activities in the future.
Ms Cupac, English Teacher
Year 8 Adviser 'Class of 2025'
Public Speaking Coordinator