Flashback Friday
I had a thoroughly enjoyable as Principal at Cecil Hills High School. I never went home with a headache because the staff members were the most professional I had worked with and they were always looking for ways to improve what they were doing in the classroom and with extra-curricular activities. I started in 2005 and finished in 2015 and in that time I was more than ably supported by Deputy Principals Vera Chevell and Steve Flew.
Over those ten years, I found that every year was different as a large Year 7 cohort began and a large Year 12 cohort would leave. To the credit of the staff at Cecil Hills High School, I found that their love of Cecil always ensured that big changes like this never changed the ethos of the school - to succeed.
One group of people that always impressed me were the non-teaching staff. These people worked as hard as anyone in making sure the school operated efficiently. The students could see that these members of staff did all they could to support the school and the students.
I have many good memories of my time at Cecil and as a school, we did make a difference to our students academically and in conjunction with their parents, in developing them as good people.
Over the last few years, I have been working for two universities in developing new teachers and also in a few high schools in supporting new and beginning teachers in gaining their accreditation. More time is now spent on Grandpa duties and this is incredibly rewarding.
I still see some staff and ex-students which is great and I am always pleased that the ex-students are never shy in greeting me and chatting about how they loved the school and how much they learned.
All the best for your 25th celebrations and keep up the good work.
Sean Bowen