Student News

Junior TG News

This term in SEL the Junior children have been looking at what stress is and what stress can do to our bodies if we do not address it.  The children were taught many strategies to help them de-escalate when stressed.  Here are some of the children’s responses:

Arianna:  I learnt that I can go to my room and read a book.

Mya: I learnt that I can go to a private space, read and breathe.

Adele: I learnt that I could have a glass of water and breathe for a bit.

John-Paul: I learnt the five finger breathing.

Arkan: I learnt to rest.

Fontaine: I learnt that i can go into my room to have some quiet time.

Alyssa: I learnt that I can take some deep breaths.

Diya: I learnt how to breathe through my belly.

Cormac: I learnt that I can do something I like such as play basketball to de-stress.

Dante: I learnt that I can go to my room and play calm music. 

Jonathan: I learnt that I can do what I like doing quietly such as relaxing.

Nathaniel: I learnt that I can move to another space and be on my own.

Samuel: I learnt that I can meditate in my bedroom.

Keizen: I learnt that I can calm down by doing something I like such as reading a book.

Ray: l learnt that I can go to my room and be by myself.  

Tiago: I learnt that I can get my anger out by punching a pillow.

Aiden: I learnt that I can go outside and play.

Leo: I learnt that I can have some alone time. 

Nicholas: I learnt that I can meditate in my bedroom. 





Wonder Recycling

Hi everyone :) 


This term we are doing the Wonder Recycling program. You need to bring in your empty bread bags (from any brand) and put them in the special boxes in the office.  These then go and get recycled to be made into other things.


If we get 5 kg of bags, we will get sports equipment for our school to use.


Please bring as many as you can and also get your family and friends to help. This is great for our environment!!


From Ava - Sustainability Captain