
Harmony Day



What a wonderful time we had on Harmony Day!


Our amazing school leaders arranged a wide variety of activities for the classes to take part in. From Greek dancing, to Aboriginal Rock Painting, to African Beading and much more, the children enjoyed colourful activities, fascinating stories and learnt many interesting facts about other cultures.


As part of the celebration, the school leaders provided oranges and mandarines to each class for recess and then handed out fruit ice-blocks to the whole school at lunchtime.


There was a fun and joyful atmosphere as we celebrated diversity and learnt from each other.


Thanks to everyone who gave their time and energy to make it such a great day.


- The Wellbeing Team


On the 23rd of March our school had it's annual Harmony Day. Each class did two electives hosted by our student leaders. Every class had its own fruit platter with mandarins and oranges. At lunchtime every student had the option to have a delicious ice block.


By Mikayla



Crazy Hair Day

Casual Clothes and Crazy Hair Day fundraiser for Ronald McDonald House Charity. 

Friday 9th of April 2021. A friendly reminder dismissal on Friday 9th April is 2pm.

Please see flyer attached for more details.