High-Ability Program

Victorian High-Ability Program - Term 1 2021
To enable our students to reach their full potential, including the high-academic students, the department of education has introduced the Victorian High-Ability Program (VHAP) initiative as part of the Student Excellence Program.
This FREE program will stretch and challenge the minds of high-ability students and stimulate their critical thinking, problem solving and creativity in English and Mathematics without accelerating them through core Victorian Curriculum.
The English stream in theme is ‘Hope in Dystopian Times’. Students conduct in depth study of the dystopia genre and consider what makes or breaks a ‘perfect society’. A variety of texts are utilised such as novels, short films and music clips. The students analyse, explore creative writing and collaborate with their peers.
The Mathematics stream in focus is ‘A Whole New World of Math’. It is designed to stimulate the students’ curiosity and love for mathematics, plus build on their mathematical skills. Students explore networks, paradoxes, number patterns, new concepts and problem solving.
The Department of Education and Training selects students for the program based on their NAPLAN and academic results. Currently, Year 7 and 8 students are selected with one of the year levels being focused on each term. The English stream is made up of 4 students as is the Mathematics stream. High-Ability Practice Leaders support and coordinate the high-ability program for the students.
The program is delivered by Virtual School Victoria where high-ability students attend 1 lesson per week over 10 weeks. They will be encouraged to do 45-60 minutes of homework each week. The students are expected to catch up with work missed from their normal classes. Students are awarded certificates and provided with opportunities to attend Masterclasses where they can meet other high-ability students in the region to reflect on their experiences and further explore the program.
In term 1 2021, the following high-ability students participated in the Victorian High-Ability Program at Cranbourne Secondary College:
Maths stream
Johnathan Roach 8L
Oscar Nelson 8L
Kaden Morgan 8H
Zachary Holmes 8L
English stream
Kasey Stiles-Harkin 8L
Leonz Ngodara 8L
Mina Bahrami 8L
Hayley Davis 8L
Barbara Cousens
Victorian High-Ability Practice Leader/ Cranbourne Secondary College Library Leader