VCE News

VCAA General Achievement Test (GAT)
In preparation for the VCAA external examinations, which commence with the General Achievement Test (GAT) on Wednesday 9 June (Week 8, Term 2), we are administering a formal practice GAT under VCAA rules of assessment, onsite at Cranbourne Secondary College on Friday 21 May 2021 from 9:00 am until 1:15 pm.
This assessment test is compulsory for all students currently studying a Unit 3 and 4 sequence. There will be no formal Year 12 VCE classes operating on this day. In preparation for this test, all students during the timetabled S.T.E.P class over the last few weeks have been supported with guidelines and strategies on how to utilise the three hours allocated for this test. A letter outlining the processes and GAT requirements was also sent home with students on Friday 30 April 2021.
Year 11 End of Semester exams
Exams will commence on Thursday 3 June for all Year 11 students. These exams will cover content undertaken in their Unit 1 subject and will assist in finalising their overall achievement. Exams will be held on site. Students will be required to be in full school uniform, including the appropriate footwear. A timetable for the Exam schedule will be given to students towards the end of Week 6. During exam time there will be no formal Year 11 VCE classes operating.
VCE After School Study Skill programs
Every Thursday in W Block from 3:15pm to 4:30pm a specialised tutor will be available to provide additional support specifically aimed towards VCE students. Students will have access to techniques on how to build study skills, strategies to cope with SAC and exam stress and assistance with time-management and motivation. Students who are interested should email Sarah Spencer ( or see Ms Vernon. Afternoon tea will be provided.
Also, on offer is a program called “Study On” held in the Library every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, from 3.15pm to 4.30pm. This program is aimed at Years 7 to 12. No bookings are required. The program offers a quiet, supportive and welcoming place where students will can receive tuition and guidance from a team of expert teachers. This team will provide assistance with preparation for SACs and exams, and development of lifelong study skills.
Jade Vernon
VCE Sub School Team Leader