Academic Excellence Program 2022

For students commencing Year 7 in 2022
What is the Academic Excellence Program?
Cranbourne Secondary College has a long and proud history as the school of choice in the Cranbourne community.
We understand that students have a range of abilities and our teachers have the experience and training to accommodate the specific needs of every student. Our VCE results have historically been strong and reflect the high standard of teaching and dedication required to maximise student potential and performance.
Our College has a culture of continual self improvement and it is with this in mind that we offer our “Academic Excellence Program”.
The aim of the program is to place the students who are ready for a greater level of challenge in an environment with like-minded others so that they are sufficiently challenged to achieve the best possible outcomes. We understand that high achievers are intensely curious, highly alert, have great concentration and they are very imaginative and creative.
The Academic Excellence Program accommodates these qualities and promotes outstanding outcomes from all learners in such a program.
Important Dates
- Online Registration Opens
Friday 26 March 2021
- Online Registration Closes
Monday 24 May 2021
- Entrance Exam
Friday 28 May 2021
- Interview for shortlisted applicants
Wednesday 9 June - Wednesday 16 June 2021
Academic Excellence Program
Key features of the program include:
- $250 bursary for every successful applicant in the Year 7 program
- Students are challenged with work that is well above their expected age appropriate levels
- Students will undertake learning through authentic intellectual pursuits such as excursions, real life problems and current issues as well as a variety of competitions
- Students will have access to accelerated VCE subjects in Year 10 and also access university subjects
- A curriculum that promotes problem solving and deep impact thinking where students can synthesize knowledge to enable greater understanding
- Student placement in the program is reviewed on a case-by-case basis to ensure that students maximise their learning opportunities