Performing Arts

Communicating with the Specialist Team

We look forward to partnering with you in 2021, and welcome your input:

Penelope Lang (Performing Arts) 

Penelope Lang
Penelope Lang


What a very busy, but exciting, few weeks we have had in Performing Arts. We were very lucky to have the one and only Mr Peter Combe visit our school. He flew all the way from Adelaide to rehearse with us in preparation for his concert in Melbourne on Tuesday April 13th. He was 'very impressed' with our progress and I was incredibly proud of Tess M, Eve, Alice, Tess R, Laura and Charlee- Belle for displaying amazing singing stamina and enthusiasm. Our rehearsals will continue in the school holidays. There are a few tickets left if you would like to come and join in our fun (see below for tickets)



The 2021 Victorian State School's Spectacular is called, 'Live Louder'. Our VSSS choir singers have now been given their songbooks and access to our Google classroom. All of the songs can be accessed from this page and it would be great if all singers could become familiar with the songs sooner rather than later. Lunchtime rehearsals will start in term 2. I am still waiting to receive any choreography for the VSSS dancers but can confirm that the rehearsals will take place at our school in term 2. Please make sure you have accepted my invitation to join the VSSS Dance Google classroom.


The Foundation students have begun to learn one of their dances for our whole school production, 'The Wizard of Oz', which will be performed early in term 3. They are learning how to do the 'Chicken Dance' and move in time with the music. It became a little more challenging this week when we learnt how to link opposite arms and spin in a circle with a partner. I let them listen to our finale song which they will also learn choreography for next term. To celebrate 'Harmony Day', the students listened to the West African song, 'Funge Alafia' and learnt some simple actions to compliment the meaning of the lyrics. We watched a short music clip of 'Advance Australia Fair' incorporating the new lyric (changing from 'young and free' to 'one and free'). They enjoyed using their creative freedom in our improvised dance circle and we used our African Djembes to drum a beat to match their name.


If you are out and about shopping in the holidays keep your eyes out for any type of chicken outfits. You might find some bargains after Easter. I will send more information home in term 2.



Level One/Two

During the last couple of weeks the students have been continuing to use their understanding of drama voices (loud, clear, expressive voices) with their stagecraft skills (entering and exiting) to brainstorm and rehearse a play about hats. It has been great to watch them develop their ability to give constructive feed forward to other students and see them becoming more proficient at following acting direction. We worked in small teams to use our bodies to create different shapes...we even made a whole class swimming pool! We celebrated 'Harmony Day' through sharing stories about different cultures and listening to the song 'We are Children of the World'. The students made connections with the song and engaged in rich conversation about diversity and belonging. We also listened to the song, 'Everyone Belongs'. We have begun learning the song lyrics for our school production finale and will continue this next term. 



Level Three/Four

The students have been working collaboratively in small groups to determine the correct sequence of events in one of several classic fairytales. These included, 'The Three Little Pigs', 'The Gingerbread Boy' and 'Jack and the Beanstalk'. The groups then determined how they wanted to present their fairytale and who would play each part in their group. It has been great to watch them negotiate and cooperate (for the best part) with each other. We have had some rehearsal time and will begin presenting them to an audience this week. We sang our whole school production finale song, 'Coming Home' and as part of 'Harmony Day' we discussed the changes to our National Anthem and the theme of 'Everyone Belongs'.



Level Five/Six

We had a very busy and buzzy day conducting all of the auditions for our school production, 'The Wizard of Oz'. I was super proud of the students' willingness to get involved, their commitment to learning their lines and their enthusiasm and creativity when auditioning. Some people even got dressed up! I had to make some very difficult decisions but I am delighted to say that every single student who asked to have a speaking part has indeed been given a speaking part. Scripts have now been sent home and I am hoping that there are lots of students learning lines during the holidays (hint hint!). Our dedicated crew will be busy next term learning about sets and props and helping Mrs Haines in the art room. We have begun to learn the lyrics for our finale, 'Coming Home' and will learn choreography next term.


Happy Easter!

I hope you all have a wonderful Easter break and enjoy some relaxation time with your families. I will be sending out 'Expressions of Interest' early in term 2 for those of you who would like to help with our whole school production. I am particularly keen to hear from anyone interested in managing costumes, helping to create sets and props and designing our program. But in the meantime I am going to eat way too many Easter eggs and listen to Peter Combe on repeat play!!! Stay safe everyone.