Health Studies 

Year 12 P.A.R.T.Y Program

Youth (P.A.R.T.Y) Program


On Wednesday, 24 March the Year 12 students, as part of Health Studies and Community Services, went to Royal Perth Hospital to take part in the PARTY Program. The Prevent Alcohol and Risk-related Trauma in Youth (PARTY) Program provides useful, relevant information to young people to help them recognise potential injury-causing situations and make informed choices about activities. 


The students participated in lectures with guest speakers from Synapse, St John’s Ambulance Officers who spoke about about brain injuries. The Year 12s gained experience in the medical field by walking through the Trauma Unit and engaging with patients who were in Hospital due to injury. At the end of the day students experienced what it would feel like to be a physiotherapist and also a patient receiving rehabilitation.


The day provided students plenty of opportunities to seek real world experience in the lens of a medical professional. It was great to see the energy, curiosity and knowledge on display from our St Norbert College students.


Mr R Godfrey

(Head of Sport & Specialised Basketball Co-ordinator)