HEPE and Sports

Year 8 Water Survival Day 

by Alessia Ferrazzola


On Thursday the 25th of March, we took a school trip to Chelsea beach to do a program with Chelsea Life-Saving Club. When we got there we were separated into two groups. The first group was instructed to go with the lifeguards and do the prepared activities. Group two was told to stay with the teachers and were given a bag full of balls to play with. We also had the playground to play in. My friends and I played tag, I-spy, volleyball and more. After lunch it was my group’s turn to do the Water Survival program. We went down to the beach and were put into smaller groups. Although I did not know some of the girls in my group, I still knew I was going to have so much fun with all the activities we were going to do! We did so many different activities like learning how to put a life jacket on properly, how to save yourself and others without getting in the water and all about rips. The one thing they wanted us to remember was “I am more important” so if we did not feel comfortable going into the water, it is important that we tell others. It is much easier for them to save one person than two! It was a good day even though the weather was a bit cold and windy and we did not actually get to go in the water.


SCSA Indoor Cricket


by Taylor Owens, Year 12 


On Wednesday 17th of March about 35 eager girls ranging from Years 7 - 12 went to Action Boxhill Indoor Sports Centre to represent Killester in the Division 3 SCSA Indoor Cricket tournament. 


On the day our three teams (juniors, intermediates and seniors) competed against four schools (Ave Maria, St. Mary’s College, Mount Saint Joseph's Girls College and St. Aloysius) for the premiership. 


During these rounds all the girls were able to showcase their well-honed cricket skills, including bowling, batting, fielding and wicketkeeping. 


With the help of our spectacular coaches, Ms Campion, Ms Roberts, Mr Hickey and Mr Harte, the girls made their way through the four rounds and one bye that we had to play. It was evident to see the girls adapting to the game and picking up skills which helped them secure places in their respective finals.


After an amazing effort throughout the day, in which most of the girls ended up tired, sore, bruised or a mixture of all three, the juniors placed 3rd and the intermediates placed 4th. But all eyes were on the seniors. After a tough round 4, but having not lost a game all day, the seniors went into their grand final apprehensive but ready to face the opposition. With the game coming down to the last over, the seniors managed to continue their winning streak and emerged victorious and premiers for the day. 


A massive round of congratulations is needed for all the girls who showed some of Killester’s core beliefs of strength, skill and dignity as they played throughout the day. A special congratulations to Ebony Angelopoulosin Year 12 who was named Most Valuable Player in the grand final. Of course, none of this would have been possible without the commitment of the girls and hard work put in by our coaches.