Performing Arts 

Music Matters

Thanks to all the students involved in the Youth Mass last Sunday at OLD Church. It was a great opportunity to join the parish and show our students in a very positive light in front of the congregation. We will be leading the Youth Mass on two more occasions this year and I look forward to even more involvement on this important initiative in the future.


Our Week 4 Twilight Concert is going ahead on Thursday 13 May. We are again under COVID protocols so our audience numbers are limited to 2 adult/carers per student - siblings are welcome and are not included in this limit. The Trybooking link is below and we ask that if you intend to be at the concert you log in to Trybooking so we have names for tracing purposes. The concert again will start at 4.00 pm and finish at around 5.00 pm so boys can get home at a reasonable time. The concert will also be streamed for those who cannot attend. I thank everyone for their patience in these post COVID times - we are required to follow guidelines as set out by NSW Health.


As for future performances we are combining with the 'Splinters, Splashes, Stage and Sounds' event in Term Three due to some changes in the HSC submissions dates. That means there will be a focus on our senior students as they finish their time at SPX. Details are still being discussed and I will be able to give more clarity to this in upcoming weeks.


Our Drama Climate Change Project will be filming another 2 days of action and then go into the editing process. There is no firm date for a premiere at the moment but we anticipate this keenly. Well done to Ms Lindley and the boys and thanks to PAPA for their financial support in this project.


Finally here’s the link for Thursday week's Twilight Concert and a list of students who have contributed positively to their ensembles last week.


Positive Participation in Weekly Ensembles

Below is this week's list of students who have positively contributed to their Ensemble Rehearsals.  Congratulations to these boys.


Student Name

Student Year


Junior Percussion EnsembleHarry Thomas


Mr Talati
Intermediate Percussion EnsembleRory Cooper


Mr Talati
Senior Percussion EnsembleSpencer Anderson


Mr Talati
Junior Concert BandTom Zammit


Ms Power
Junior Jazz BandHarry Feehan


Ms Power
Primary Concert Band Tom Kneeshaw


Mr Sismey
Primary Concert Band Oliver Hartry


Mr Sismey

Mr Anthony Timmins - Performing Arts Coordinator