Parent & Student Matters 

What's happening in the College? 

  • Science Club Cancelled this week
  • National Youth Science Forum 2022
  • From the Diverse Learning Department
  • Save the Date - Year 7 and 8 Study Skills Evening
  • Maths Drop In

Science Club Cancelled this week

Science Club is cancelled this week.

National Youth Science Forum 2022

The NYSF Year 12 Program to be held in January 2022 offers an exciting range of in-person and digital science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) experiences for participants across Australia. In 2022, the NYSF will deliver a 12-day program from 10-25 January via a combination of in-person and digital STEM experiences. 2022 participants will experience everything the NYSF is famous for, including keynote speakers, lectures, hands-on workshops, debates, expos and enriching social activities. In-person STEM visit days and events will be held over a week of the program at major city hubs across the country, enabling students to meet each other and network with like-minded peers. A continuous program of digital events will run alongside the in-person events meaning the program is accessible to all. This option also means the NYSF experience is still accessible and stimulating should there be a COVID-19 hotspot emerge or lockdown called at a hub location. 


For more information, please go to:

Mrs Joanne Schuster - Science Coordinator

From the Diverse Learning Department

da Vinci Decathlon Year 5-11

A message of thanks, to our Assistant Principal, Teaching & Learning, Mr Alex Damo, from all da Vinci participants and supervising staff, for the inaugural full participation of each year group in the new online format.  The opportunity to work collegially, under time pressure and across 10 domains in one day is a challenge in which the students delight. The motivation, desire to succeed and positive energy is clear as the boys prepare themselves for the event.  On Tuesday Year 7 and 8 teams rose to the challenge, today Year 9, 10 and 11 teams participated, led by Mrs Michele Waterson and tomorrow Mrs Bettina Spanyik wraps up the Decathlon with the Year 5 and 6 contenders.

Curriculum and Support Services

personalised approach to learning and support takes into account all of the students’ individual needs and all of the adjustments they need to access and participate in their education. This planning might include what and where students learn, as well as their communication, mobility, behaviour and health care.


Morning Study Class (Replacing After School Study)

A new opportunity is being offered this term where a study class is being held each Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday morning from 7.30 am to 8.30 am.  This opportunity, for Years 5 to 11, will be held in C5 and will be conducted by Mrs Gunns.  This study class is being trialled this term in place of After School Study.



Parent consent forms for NAPLAN Exam Provisions were due to be returned by 30 April. Please check that they have been returned, as provisions are only able to be provided with parental consent.



A reminder of staff contacts in the Diverse Learning Team




Mrs Bridie Barrett:  Years 5 & 6





Mrs Petah Jamieson:  Years 7 & 8






Mr Jim Olson:  Years 9 & 10






Mrs Annabel Gunns:  Years 11 & 12 




Mrs Annabel Gunns - Diverse Learning Coordinator

Save the Date - Year 7 and 8 Study Skills Evening

We are pleased to advise we will be holding a Year 7 and 8 Study Evening again this year, on Monday 7 June from 6.30 pm to 8.00 pm.  This is a free event.

This is a highly recommended study skills evening which should be attended by parent/s with their son. In lieu of the cancellation last year due to COVID-19 we are inviting both Year 7 and Year 8 families and parents will be asked to book. The event will be held in the gym and parking will be available in the school yard.  

A booking link will be provided soon.

Please see the attached for more information.

Mr Sean Brannan - Acting Deputy Principal

Maths Drop-In 

A reminder that all students in Years 7 - 12 are welcome to Maths Drop-in. The sessions are run each Tuesday & Thursday morning 7.30 am - 8.30 am in C1.

Mrs Amanda Fileman - Teacher