Mission and Identity 

  • Youth Mass at Our Lady of Dolours
  • Chapel Mass
  • Feast of Blessed Edmund Rice
  • Mother's Day

Youth Mass at Our Lady of Dolours 

Sunday 2 May saw the re-commencement of the Youth Mass at Our Lady of Dolours Parish. St Pius X College took the lead for this month, providing the music and choir to assist the parish in the Eucharistic celebration. Students from Years 11 and 12 provided support to the parish by way of filling roles such as: serving, reading and music. A special mention also to the SPX staff who attended to give their support to the students who represented the College. In particular Mr Anthony Timmins and Ms Stephanie Gan gave of their time and expertise to ensure that the musical accompaniment added to the solemnity of the occasion. 

A special thank you also to Mr Ryan Balboa for assisting the choir and Mr Sam Di Sano who provided the Prayers of the Faithful. Students from Mercy College will lead the next Youth Mass.

Chapel Mass

Thank you to Mr Kovacic and his Year 9 RE class for hosting the first Chapel Mass for this term. The Gospel for the day focussed on one of the most famous lines Jesus provided for his disciples, where he explained to them that he is “the way the truth and the life”.  

We thank Fr David for his homily and opening the word for those present.

We look forward to next Chapel Mass which will be hosted by Ms Van Riet’s Year 9 RE class.

Feast Day of Blessed Edmund Rice

Today we marked the Feast of Blessed Edmund Rice. As our founder, we look towards the life and actions of Blessed Edmund as an example to aspire to. Time was spent listening to the story of the life of Blessed Edmund.  Br Carl Sherrin, College Old Boy, Archivist and Christian Brother addressed the College Assembly. As a community we always enjoy joining in song and we sang the Anthem of Blessed Edmund Rice.

Mother’s Day

Preparations are well underway for our Mother’s Day celebrations. It is important as a community that we acknowledge all the females in our lives who have shaped us into the men that walk through the corridors every day. The Senior School will have a liturgy in the gym before school, commencing at 8.00 am. The Junior School will celebrate Mass at OLD Parish commencing at 10.30 am. Mothers and other significant relatives are invited to join the Junior School in this Eucharistic Celebration.


Mr Nathan Mulheron - Assistant Principal, Mission and Identity