I recently had a moment when everything around me seemed to be moving in slow motion. The laughter of young men and women and staff, the smell of the bush, and flowers blooming in myriad of colours surround me. It was this week at the Year 7 Camp at Howmans Gap in alpine Victoria. 


The sun was shining down, glistening on the grass, the flowers were out and the trees all green…and it was cool – such a delightful change from the summer heat. Walking out into the main clearing I looked around and everything slowed down while I took in the activities - rock climbing, high ropes course, team building games, groups focusing as listened to the instructors, children’s (and staff) faces intently concentrating as they prepared to face their fears and come out of their comfort zone. Talking with new friends and old, encouraging each other, laughing, smiling and living. All things school camps are designed to do and why they are just so important.


It is moments like these that make me feel lucky and blessed to be surrounded by such a wonderful community and to thank those who took time away from their families to take part. While I did not catch up with all staff on camp, it was wonderful to witness the joy on the faces of Mr Wright, Mr Buckley, Ms Brassil, Ms Lashbrook, Mrs Lough, Ms Tyson and Mr Sarantakos who were so wonderfully engaged with their students and so willing to get in and be part of the adventure. 


Some very real and long-lasting relationships were built in these moments.

The College is well into the planning for the next phase of the Junior School building program. In 2020 I announced to the community that we had been awarded a significant grant to build Stage 2. This will be a beautiful space with six learning spaces and some specialty areas. This new space will be completed for Term 4 in 2021 and will house the students in Years 3 – 6 in 2021 and 2 – 6 in 2022. Due to the amazing support and enrolment numbers for 2021, the students in Years 3 – 6 are learning in Building 1 – located in the Secondary School. These spacious rooms have been refurbished and furnished with primary school equipment for this year. Further refurbishment will occur in Term 4 in preparation for the return of Secondary School students in 2022.










Paul Humble | Principal