Junior School News
Term 1
Junior School News
Term 1
This week we continued our look at healthy eating. We discussed foods that can be classified into RED, AMBER and GREEN foods. We of course all love eating red foods, like Chocolate Cake and Lollies but we did all decide that it is better to eat lots of fruits and vegetables. We then created our own food models using modelling clay. We made bananas, pineapples, watermelon, fried eggs, lollypops, ice cream cones, broccoli, peas and SOOOO MUCH MORE! We had a fantastic time creating mini food models. Take a look at our photos!
In Junior School we are looking at books by Alison Lester. A very famous children's story author who was born here in Foster, Victoria and who went to boarding school in Berwick. We had a lot of fun looking on the map to see how close she lives to us compared to all around the world. Alison writes beautiful books full of amazing descriptive text. She is a very varied author who writes books to cater for all ages. This week we have been looking at her book "Tricky's Bad Day". Over the next couple of weeks we will be looking more into different Alison Lester Books.
After we learned all about Alison Lester and her writing and drawing style we decided to read some of her books. With our junior school 'reading experts' we formed groups and our reading expert read the book to the group. It was a wonderful experience to see the students so engaged and listening to one of their peers reading the story to them. It was great fun.
Don't forget that we are still on the hunt for small boxes for constructing our puppets next term so keep your eyes out for biscuit boxes etc. Anything smaller than a cereal box would be so useful to us. Also any weird and creative packaging that we could use to add texture and detail to our puppets.
Tuesday March 30th -Easter Bonnet Parade
Thursday April 1st - End of Term 1
Friday April 2nd - Good Friday
April 19th: Start of Term 2
April 21st: School Photos
May 19th: Curriculum Day