School Wide Positive Behaviour Support
School Wide Positive Behaviour Support
Last Thursday, we celebrated achieving our first 3000 acknowledgements for 2021! Every KPS student has been working hard to demonstrate excellence, resilience and respect each day around the school.
It was an absolute blast being able to dress as our favourite super heroes for the day and was fantastic to see some students even designing their own.
We are so proud of how super we are at KPS!
This is the break down of our 3000 acknowledgements:
Excellence - 10 birds: 1000 feathers
Resilience - 7 birds: 700 feathers
Respect - 13 birds & 5 wings: 1350 feathers
We can see that Excellence and Respect has been a big focus for our students. We will be spending more time in class on strategies to develop our resilience across the school. We are aiming to have a closer balance in our values the next time our PBS tree is full.
We look forward to celebrating again when we hit 6000 acknowledgements for the year!!!