Acting Principal's Report

End of Term

Term 1 concludes on Thursday 1st April at 2.30pm.  Assembly will be at 2pm. 

Staff will be on yard duty until 2.45pm. Please collect your children promptly for the end of term.


Term 2 commences on Monday 19th April. I wish you all a safe and happy Easter, with a relaxing break to follow. 


Working Bee

We will have a Working Bee on Friday 30th April, 9-11am. Please stick around after school drop-off to help us get the school looking great! Morning Tea will be provided.

Easter Bonnet Parade - Tuesday 30th March, 9am

After being cancelled last year, our Easter Bonnet Parade is sure to be extremely impressive on Tuesday, as I'm sure you've all been saving up your very special decorations since 2019! We cannot wait to see all the extravagant (and simple) Easter Bonnets on display at our parade. 

School Council

School Council - When we called for nominations for parent members for our 2021 school council, we received two nominations only, so there was no need for a ballot. Amy Davis and Tammy Bryson will continue their role as parent members of school council.



Plans are still underway for our update to the Senior Playground. We hope it will be underway at some stage late next term, or early Term 3. We appreciate your patience while we plan for this, in line with department requirements. 

Special Note from Mr Gooding:

Hi Everyone,
It has been wonderful to see your smiling faces on the days I have been able to come in and meet with teachers, and say "Hi!" to students.  I am so proud of the great work you are doing and the achievements you have made.  
I have been asked to extend my role as Professional Learning Communities Manager for the Department of Education for Term 2.  I am learning a great deal in this role and have agreed to stay on for now.  
I am very pleased that Miss Johnstone has agreed to continue serving and leading our community in the role of Acting Principal whilst I am away.  Thank you for the support you have shown her.  She is doing an amazing job!
I look forward to seeing you all again soon.  I will be stopping by again next week, and continuing to visit on occasion next term.
Have a safe and restful break.  Happy Easter!
Keep Learning!
Daniel Gooding


Thank You

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support throughout Term 1. What a vibrant and supportive community we have at KPS - always looking out for one another and offering to help wherever we all can. Thank you to all students, parents and staff for your involvement in our first term of 2021. A term where we adapted and pivoted to challenges including a circuit-breaker lockdown, changing restrictions, and changes in leadership. You are all wonderful and we can't wait to keep being the best we can be in Term 2, after a well-deserved rest and lots of chocolate.



Happy holidays!

Anna Johnstone.