Performing Arts

WOW! What a great start to Performing Arts this year! All the students have been coming in settled and ready to learn. I have been impressed with the level of maturity shown this year by the students and observing them, demonstrating our four school values of Respect, Optimism, Responsibility and Honesty. I am very proud of them. Well done students and I am looking forward to working with you again next lesson.


This term so far, we have had fun miming different scenes such as roller-coaster rides, movies, cricket and basketball matches and visiting some scary dentists!

We are now attempting to play chords on the ukuleles with different strumming patterns. The junior years have enjoyed learning to play glockenspiels, trying to find the notes and playing along to a song. They have also enjoyed singing and playing percussion instruments, focusing on a set rhythm, to ‘Shotgun’ by George Ezra. 


Does your child hum in the car or around the house? Do they enjoy singing? 

Maybe they would like to join the school choir. We meet every Thursday for half of lunchtime, grades 2-6 are welcome. We do fun warm ups and then sing through songs such as ‘Cups (When I’m Gone)’ and ‘Try Everything’. We would love to see them there in the theatre.


Natika Jenes