Around Grade 5/6

Learning Collaboratively and Celebrating Success

Dear Parents/Guardians


We would like to put out a friendly reminder to all parents about our expectations for homework in Grade 5 and 6.  As stated in our Homework Policy (available on our school website), homework is an opportunity for students to reinforce and practise their reading and number drills taught in the classroom. It also supports students to develop their time management skills in preparation for secondary school. 

It is expected that students in the senior levels spend approximately 35 minutes per day, five times a week completing homework tasks.  Of these 35 minutes per day, 25 minutes is expected to include independent reading (this can include reading with or to an adult).   The remaining 10 minutes per day is set aside for Mathletics activities.  These activities are differentiated and aim to consolidate what the students are covering in class. On occasions, additional homework tasks may be included that relate to inquiry tasks, however, this will come at the expense of their reading or Mathletics tasks as no more than 3 hours per week should be spent completing homework tasks.  

If your child is having difficulty with a Mathletics task, please direct them to the tutorial that explains the activity. If this does not help your child, please write a note in your child’s diary so that the teacher can spend time in class to explain the task or to modify their level. 

Homework is set every Monday and due back the following Monday. This allows students to complete homework over the weekend if they have a busy week schedule.  We also ask that diaries are signed by Monday morning as they are checked in class later in the day.   

We understand that people have busy schedules/weeks and if your child is not able to complete their homework, please write a note in their  diary to notify us.  

Thank you for your time and support with this topic. If you have any questions, please contact your classroom teacher. 


Paul Barnes (5/6B Coordinator),  Maria Healey, Maja Rizzotto and Alysha Buzzini