SRC Report

SRC Meeting

Before the end of term 1, the year 12 leadership team had met with the newly appointed SRC group for the first time. Over fish and chips (courtesy of Mr Thomas) we introduced ourselves and chatted about our roles in the school. After a short discussion, we all dispersed into different groups with 2 year 12 leaders at each group. Each group brainstormed a different topic that we felt needed to be addressed within the school. These topics include, “events and marketing”, “student voice and well-being” and “environmental sustainability”. 


The overall outcome of this meeting was to get to know one another as well as get perspectives from different year levels on how they think the school can be improved. Some ideas that we had brainstormed in the meeting were different fundraisers for some things in the school that we believe we need, pride month ideas and a year 7 capsule of some sort to name a few. Although these ideas aren’t completely set in stone yet, over the course of our next few meetings with one another, they will slowly develop and be brought into action. 



Adam Compton-Robins and Katelyn Lord

College Vice Captains




 Open Night

School Leaders
School Leaders
Tour Guides
Our Pizza Chefs
Tour Guides
Our Pizza Chefs

The Epping Secondary College 2021 open night was an informative experience for all prospective members of the community. Approximately 260 parents and primary students were shown the grounds and buildings of the college on the night of Thursday, 22nd April. Every group was guided by a student leader to provide the parents and prospective students with a tour from a student’s perspective, describing their time at the college.


The future students and parents were given the opportunity to enter the classrooms and locker bays within the Year 7 area, to see where the students will spend most of their classes and time. This space is designed to enable easy access to most of their classes as well as being near their coordinators and teachers. There were many excited faces upon entering the science, technology and art expositions where the current students’ work was displayed. The music students provided a special atmosphere that shone through to all corners of the campus as they demonstrated their talents and learnings from our music program. Another building visited was the school’s library with all its different compositions designed to amplify student’s interactive and private study, as well as engaging them with the vast variety of book genres to foster their interest in reading. We had Mr. Malcolm in the VCAL area to provide an insight to all the future opportunities and pathways that are available for students at Epping Secondary College and how that creates a freedom to explore and experiment with different areas of study. We had the pleasure of continuing our Open Night tradition with Mr. Kaskamanidis and other staff members at the pizza oven, engaging teachers, staff and students with the delicious pizzas throughout the night.


There was an informative presentation briefing potential students and parents about all things Epping. Many of our leading teachers, notably Principal, Bradley Moyle, Senior School Assistant Principal, Antoinette Hooper and Junior/Middle Years Leading Teacher, Ned Harper, described what life is like as an Epping Secondary student and how the tireless effort our team puts in makes our school a comfortable place ensuring a smooth transition for all new students. We even had some of our current year 7 students talk about how they have found their first few months with us and gave a great repartee of all our leading figures in the junior school and across the college in general.


Overall, the night was a great opportunity for prospective parents and students to become familiar with our campus, meet many of our departments’ teachers and leaders and raise any queries about the transition from primary to secondary school.




Huda Mousawi and Andre Bevilacqua

College Captains