Visual Arts Focus

Visual Arts Focus

Term one has started with journal preparation. Every artist must have an art journal and so, of course, our artists at FPS have their very own as well!


Our students are presented with their art journal in Foundation where it remains in the Art Studio during their time at FPS. It accumulates and records each year’s creative understandings, until Grade 6.  At the end of the year, it is then collected and taken by our departing students.


What an artistic history of their seven years, a proud document that they can look back on, reminisce and recall how imaginative, innovative, inventive and resourceful they have been and will continue to be!


Their first journal entry each year is a self-portrait, a timely example of the way they look right now! Understanding the shape of their face and how their hair looks each year grows with self-realisation. They are such a delight to see!


Our Art Captain, Amelia K, and the members of the Art Committee have been assisting in the preparation of both the journals and the 2021 Art folios. Their support is invaluable, and I look forward to working with this enthusiastic team throughout the year.


For our art focus, 2021 is the year of SIDNEY NOLAN, one of Australia’s most significant modernist artists. His iconic Ned Kelly series with its striking mask will take us on a creative journey, exploring shape, line and colour… what will we discover about heroes and the Australian identity?

Wow!! Isn’t ART incredible?


~ Marjie Tkatchenko, Visual Arts Teacher