Assistant Principal's Report

Benefits of Play

Walking around the yard at recess and lunchtimes is always a lovely experience and it has been especially enjoyable over the past few weeks. I have been watching as students from all year levels create wonderful fairy gardens under our shady trees. The thought, cooperation and creativity demonstrated while building these gardens is amazing and such a pleasure to watch!


Another popular pastime during breaks is to forage in the gardens looking for insects. I see students working together to collect different insects and teach each other facts that they have learnt about them along the way. There is always a container of some sort being used to house the insects for close observation. When the bell rings the insects are carefully placed back in the garden or in a special house they have made for them!


These activities may seem nothing more than play, however by building fairy gardens and observing insects, students are learning lots! They are working on their social skills (cooperation, respect, team work, empathy) as well as numeracy skills (measuring stick length needed for walls, weight of objects used for roof structures, classifying and comparing insects) and literacy skills (turn taking in conversation, negotiation of what to place where, explanation of insect facts). Often it is during these engaging, student-led play activities that students consolidate their learning from the classroom. These experiences are very valuable and can be done at home – without too much setting up or guidance from mum or dad!

We have our fingers crossed that we will all be back at school on Thursday and the students can continue working on their fairy gardens and insect houses. In the meantime, if you would like advice, tips and resources to support your child’s continuity of learning from home, click on the button.


If you are feeling flat, anxious or stressed about the lockdown we have found ourselves in this week, you are not alone. There are many places to seek support, below are a list of organisations that can help you and your family.


Lifeline Australia 

  • A crisis support service offering short term support at any time for people who are having difficulty coping or staying safe.
  • Phone: 13 11 14;


Beyond Blue

  • A dedicated service for those feeling anxious, stressed, depressed or need assistance during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
  • Phone: 1800 512 348;





  • HeadtoHelp supports Victorians of all ages in finding the mental health and wellbeing support that's best for you. When you call HeadtoHelp a trained professional will give you advice and can connect you to the right support or service. This may be to an existing mental health service or one of the HeadtoHelp hubs.
  • Phone: 1800 595 212;





  • A free telephone and online service for people with stress, worry, anxiety, low mood or depression. It provides online assessment and treatment for anxiety and depression and can help you find local services.
  • Phone: 1800 61 44 34;


Suicide Call Back Service


~ Sarah Abbott, Assistant Principal