West Beach Wrap
Staff Profile
Name: Lucy Dutton
Something interesting about you: This time last year I was living in the UK!
What class: Rm 5
Previous School (s): Schools in NSW
Where you grew up: Central Coast, NSW
Hobbies: Bushwalking, yoga, netball, travel, live music
What you like about West Beach: I love all of the space, the welcoming staff and the charismatic kids, there's never a dull moment! And I love my walk to school!
Football Boots - Exchange
We will be having a football boot exchange before and after school, next week on Wednesday 24/3, Thursday 25/3 and Friday 26/3, in Week 9.
You are free to take a pair for your child/ren and if you have a pair lying around at home you could leave for another family to use. Please only leave pairs of boots in good condition.
Henley High School’s School Tours
Henley High School’s school tours have all reached capacity, so we have decided to hold 2 more this term on,
Tuesday March 23rd, 1.30pm – 3.00pm
Monday March 29th, 9.00am – 10.30pm
To book in for a tour they can visit https://henleyhighschool.wufoo.com/forms/zqkt44312j71ka/
For more information they can visit our website at www.henleyhs.sa.edu.au.
Shaun Sayers | Promotions, Media and Communications Support
Henley High School
To Strive | To Seek | Not to Yield
underpinned by Respect and Responsibility
Cudmore Terrace
Henley Beach SA 5022
Ph (08) 8355 7000
Direct (08) 8355 7069
Kelly Sports Autumn Sports Program
Learn new sports skills in term 2 at West Beach Primary. Please see attached Kelly Sports flyer for Term 2.
Kelly Sports Weekender Program
KELLY SPORTS WEEKENDER PROGRAM (formerly Get Active program)
The Kelly Sports Weekender program provides energetic and highly active sport-specific sessions, run on Saturday and Sunday mornings across separate-aged groups which allows for children to learn and enjoy sport in an age-appropriate environment. All programs are run indoors.
This program challenges and improves motor and coordination skills and our experienced coaches aim to develop and enhance a wide range of sporting skills while also improving strength, flexibility, hand-eye coordination, spatial awareness, co-operative skills and teamwork.
Sports we will be focusing on throughout the year will be : Tennis, Basketball, Soccer & AFL and in Term 2 we will be offering both Basketball and Soccer sessions.
Sessions are held at various locations so please see our attached flyer for Term 2. Registrations and further information can be found at our website www.kellysports.com.au or contact us on 0421 888 400
City Of West Torrens Weekly Organic Bins Trial
West Beach Primary School is working with the City of West Torrens to encourage our school community to recycle food scraps into compost rather than sending this valuable organic material to landfill, where it is simply a waste.
Residents of the City of West Torrens living in West Beach have two options to help them recycle food waste:
1. An invitation to participate in the 12 month trial in West Beach of the weekly collection of organics (green) bins. Council is keen to see if a weekly rather than fortnightly collection reduces the amount of food waste going in the waste bin.
Although the trial has started, it's not too late to register your interest.
Trial participants will receive:
· A kitchen caddy and roll of compostable bags with instructions for use.
· A bin sticker for your organics (green) bin to notify Council's waste contractor, Solo, that you are a trial participant. Only organics bins with the sticker displayed will be collected weekly.
'You can find out more about the trial and register at West Beach Primary School - Weekly organics collection trial. A kitchen caddy, roll of liner bags and a bin sticker will be delivered to your door as soon as possible after you have registered.'
2. Alternatively, as a resident of The City of West Torrens, you are entitled to a free kitchen caddy and a roll of compostable liner bags.
If you are interested in recycling food scraps using a free kitchen caddy but are not interested in participating in the Trial in West Beach, complete the online form, West Beach Primary School - Food scraps recycling on the City of West Torrens website by Friday 26 March 2021.
A caddy, roll of bags and information on how to use the caddy will be sent home with your eldest child when all expressions of interest have been processed.
Brighton Secondary School 2021 Volleyball Trials
The Special Interest Volleyball Program at Brighton Secondary School will be holding Volleyball Trials for In Zone and Out of Zone students.
Please find the attached flyer for more information.
Amber Strachan
Volleyball SSO08 8375 8200
305 Brighton Road, North Brighton, SA. 5048
WB Soccer Coaching
Sunday mornings at West Beach Primary school
Our coaching clinics are for children looking for an introduction to soccer and for those that want to improve their skills and understanding for the game.
9am-9.45am (4yrs – 7yrs)
Kindy, Reception, Year 1 & Year 2
10am-11am (8yrs – 11yrs) September - February
Year 3 - Year 5
First visit is FREE, book in today:
☎️ 0435461181