News from Nurse Jess
As we begin to settle back into school life we can also begin to welcome back our dreaded friend Head lice. Although not dangerous to our health can be an absolute pest to contain unless a proactive approach is taken. It’s important to note Head lice cannot fly, hop or jump. They spread from person to person by head to head contact, and by sharing of personal items such as combs, brushes and head gear such as hats.
If parental consent has been obtained we can conduct head checks here at school and if a confirmed case is found within your classroom you will be notified. If notified of a case within your class we ask that you act promptly by thoroughly checking your child’s hair and treating if deemed necessary.
When treating your child’s hair the most important step of the process is the combing of the hair. As you must ensure all eggs and lice are removed. The treatment solution alone is not sufficient as the products merely paralyse the lice and do not kill them therefore the egg removal is key.
Weekly checks of your child’s hair can be a great way to stay on top of any possible infestation.
Please see below some handy fact sheets on these dreaded little friends.
I hope I haven’t made you scratch your head too much whilst reading this!
Have a lovely week
Nurse Jess