From the Principal
Dear Parents/Carers,
A strong focus on individualising the learning programs
Over recent years we have maintained attention to explicitly teaching children skills and understandings. We have also developed strategies to reinforce these skills and understandings through fun, repetitive, hands on type activities. As you walk around the school you will notice that each classroom teacher has adopted an instructional routine that is becoming known and understood by each child.
The teachers understand that the instructional sequence of a lesson needs to be different for each student. They adopt a ‘differentiated’ approach to explicit instruction. What this means is that each student will have a slightly different set of expectations around how they participate in each session. Some may not be required to sit or listen for the same period of time, some may be encouraged to engage in different content, or participate in the individual type program during different times, and others might be provided sensory space or regulation periods during the session to switch onto learning. Each of the teachers differentiates the instructional approach to meet the needs of each student.
To do this requires a great deal of planning and preparation. It also requires support. Our support staff are fantastic at Yarrabah. They support our students to access the curriculum, to engage in activities and to experience success.
Success is the main driver for engagement. We are aiming for each child, over every day to experience success. This is occurring and our results in some of the more traditional subjects are yielding great return. But what about Life Skills, Social Skills and Sensory Learning?
Life Skills, Social Skills and Sensory Learning
This year there is equal emphasis and importance on skills students need for life as there is on traditional curriculum areas. Yarrabah students have core sessions in Personal and Social Learning. During these periods students are learning about life skills, social safety and being provided dedicated sensory programs. Some of these are taught in the homeroom. Our staff are using regulatory and communication approaches that are individualised for students. Our Occupational Therapists work collaboratively with all staff to set student goals prompted through student support group meetings with families. Each teacher uses life skill prompts, involved in ‘Sensory Circuit’ programs or morning movement / fitness activities with Brendan and staff in the mornings.
We are also running a breakfast program available to all students each day. This helps those to come into school, settle and generally start the day calmly with a full tummy. Unfortunately numbers are limited due to volunteers.
School Wide Positive Behaviour Support is a very important element in breaking the grid lock with our students. Staff are using the Yarrabah SWPBS common language to engage students, to reward students and to help students out of difficult situations and back to learning.
SWPBS is not about asserting authority, it is about building and maintaining relationships that provide students opportunities to learn.
SSG meeting times are now available to book through Compass. These meetings will provide an excellent opportunity to discuss Individual Education Plans and Goals for the year. I encourage all families to book a time with their homeroom teacher.
Accident Insurance, Ambulance Cover and Private Property
Each year we remind families of the school and family obligations in respect to these things. Parents/guardians of students, who do not have student accident insurance, are responsible for paying the cost of medical treatment for injured students, including the cost of ambulance attendance/transport and any other transport costs. It is possible for parents/guardians to purchase insurance policies from commercial insurers. DET does not hold insurance for personal property brought to schools and it has no capacity to pay for any loss or damage to such property.
School Council Nominations
I would like to encourage you to consider applying for school council representation. School council is a great way to actively participate in the life of school and provide ideas and suggestions to make our school even better. Information and nomination forms have been added as an attachment below.
New Out of School Hours Care Coordinator
Yarrabah have appointed a new OSHC coordinator. Kim Taylor has been appointed and will begin training in the role next week. You can now contact Kim on: 0459 868 746. Kim is already known to many families having worked at the front office for over 6 years. Congratulations on the appointment Kim.
Therapy Supports
Therapy supports across the school are for the purpose of ensuring students can access the curriculum. Therapy in our school is offered through Speech, Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy. All therapists will work closely with the teachers to support them in the delivery of therapy across the school. Therapists will also continue working environmentally across the school. Teachers, specialists and co educators draw on the expertise of our amazing therapists to support your child’s development and access to the curriculum.
I will be providing families with a much clearer description of the role and responsibility of therapists in Compass next week.
Matthew Harris