Careers Hub 2021
Careers Hub 2021
If you are looking for ideas and inspiration about where the future might take you, please feel free to come by the office and make a time to meet. I would be more than happy to help you.
"I cannot teach anybody anything.
I can only make them think." - Socrates
A quick reminder about these 2 great resources featured in the last issue in case you missed it. Discover all you need to know about the skills you need to get that interesting and fascinating job you have been thinking about by visiting Job Outlook and My Future.
The Job Outlook Career Quiz is a great way to help you to understand your work style and to explore careers you might enjoy.
My Future provides further resources to explore career pathways and tools to develop self-knowledge to help with career decision making.
Recommendations are based on a series of psychometric assessments to help identify strengths and results are combined with a more subjective questionnaire, where students can state their preferences for work styles, environments and talents. Cost is a one time $50 for lifetime access. Please email me if you would like more information.
Students who have commenced Year 12 in 2021 and are planning to apply for any of the following university courses listed below are reminded that registrations for the UCAT (University Clinical Aptitude Test) will open early March and close early May. Tests are available throughout July. Information will be posted via Compass when registrations open.
In the meantime, students who are preparing for entry into these courses are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the practice tests and preparation material provided at MedEntry for UCAT Preparation.
You can view the 2022 entry information here below.
Applicants applying for entry into an initial teacher education course, to some institutions, will be required to complete an additional selection tool for non-academic attributes. CASPer is an online, video scenario-based situational judgement test that allows students to demonstrate their suitability for a teaching career.
Registration opens in Semester 2 - For more information visit:
You can also read this helpful information on the Deakin website:
Many universities have early entry schemes where you can be offered a place before the normal round of offers. These schemes can vary at each university but generally involve completing an application and being able to demonstrate that you are capable of succeeding in your chosen course and also that you are a good all-round student who will contribute well to the life of the university you have chosen to apply for.
More detailed information about all the above will be available in due course.
University of Melbourne Hanson Scholarship: Closes 11 March
Australian National University (ANU) launched the Tuckwell Scholarship Program in 2013. The Tuckwell Scholarship Program at the ANU is the most transformational undergraduate scholarship program in Australia. A Tuckwell is not just about a student's intellect. It is also about their desire and determination to use their natural abilities to realise their full potential so that they can make a difference in the world. All up one could say, this is no ordinary scholarship!
Applications open Early March (TBC)
"Inspired Decisions, Limitless Possibilities
The ComparED website provides prospective students with relevant and transparent information about Australian higher education institutions from the perspective of current students and recent graduates. So, with ComparED, students can explore and compare the quality of higher education institutions and study areas they are interested in, based on the experiences of others. The ComparED website allows students to compare specific institutions and/or study areas. The data available is sourced from the Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching (QILT) surveys. Visit ComparED and explore and compare institutions and study areas based on real life student experiences."
Year 10 is the year most Australian students get a taste of working life through undertaking work experience. Students will have received some information about this during the Introduction to Careers Classes during Term 4 last year. I have attached the information again for you below.
Work experience is an important short-term placement with employers to provide insights into the industry and the workplace in which they are located. It provides students with the valuable opportunity to:
• develop employability skills
• explore possible career options
• understand employer expectations, and
• increase their self-understanding, maturity, independence and self-confidence.
We have set aside the final week of Term 3 (Monday 6 to Friday 10 September) for this - and all Year 10 students are expected to participate. We understand these dates are not always suitable to take advantage of available opportunities, therefore we are happy to discuss other times that are more accommodating. Students must let us know in advance and complete the Work Experience Arrangement Form on our dedicated Careers Website which you can access here. Please remember to check your Compass newsfeed as I do post work experience opportunities regularly, as they arise. You can also find lots more information and valuable careers resources under the 'SCHOOL RESOURCES' tab in your Compass account. Please note this is only available through the Compass APP by clicking on 'OPEN IN BROWSER'.
Students need to make their own arrangements for work experience, so start talking to those neighbours, friends and family members who might be able to offer something. Students should also directly contact employers in their fields of interest; showing confidence and initiative by making direct contact would be attractive qualities to demonstrate. If you would like a copy of the Cover Letter Template please let me know.
Below is a copy of the Work Experience Resource book 2020 that has a great list of businesses and industries offering placements. However, as I have mentioned previously some of these do need to be applied for months in advance and are highly competitive.
We’re always on the lookout for Preshil community members who might be able to offer a work experience opportunity to our Year 10 students, so please contact me if that might be you! I am available to answer student or family queries at any time by telephone or email.
All Year 10 students will participate in Careers and Pathways during our Electives Program in Term 2. We are organising a host of great workshops and a number of other activities including our Careers Activities Week. More about that soon!
The goals of the Careers and Pathways Program are to assist students to:
These goals are organised into three Stages of Career Development:
Please remember to log in and read your Compass News Feed as we regularly post updated information about tertiary open days, information sessions, work experience and workshop opportunities, updated Careers and industry news and a host of other information. You can also set up notification alerts on your phone for Compass so you will be instantly notified and never miss anything.
Careers Website:
Ace Day Job Videos: Preshil Clickview
Useful Links: Australian Jobs 2019
Foundation of Young Australians: Reports
Future focused: 100 Jobs of the Future
VTAC Resources: Year 10 Guide
VTAC Resources: Year 11 Guide
VTAC Resources: Year 12 Guide
Explore Careers: In Tech Videos
My Future: Self Knowledge & Careers
Job Outlook: A Guide to Jobs & Careers
CompareED: Compare Universities
RMIT University – Pathways Tool
RMIT University – Pathways Tool. Many of these pathways can be applied to other institutions.
RMIT Engineering Quiz
Take RMIT's interactive quiz to discover which engineering courses or double degrees are matched to you. These courses can be applied to many other institutions.
If you haven't already done so please take a few moments to visit our dedicated Careers Website. Remember, if you have an account in the Student Portal you can sign in here but, if not, simply register here using your Preshil email. Once logged in try out some of the online activities, interests, skills and abilities and other Careers quizzes.
You can now contact me in the Online Careers Hub in Zoom. Please use this link on the Preshil Careers website to make an appointment because it syncs to my calendar to avoid clashes. If you have any questions, concerns or need a face to face appointment please email me anytime at
Career Practitioner
Member of the Career Education Association of Victoria (CEAV)
Morrisby Accredited Career Adviser
Special thanks to Jacky Burton from the Yarra Career Practitioners Group and Compass Career News who tirelessly each year puts together a lot of the one-sheet information guides that help us collate tertiary course information into the one place for students to easily access.