Office Oracle

Immunisation program for Years 7, 8, 10 and 11
Immunisation is offered annually through the Secondary School Vaccine Program to Victorian students in Years 7 and 10.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic this was not able to take place at school in 2020. Those students whose parents consented to immunisation at the start of last year are still in the system with City of Boroondara to receive the vaccines this year.
Consent cards for the current Years 7 and 10 students have been distributed, either at the recent Parent Information Nights or via Home Rooms. These cards need to be completed – regardless of your consent choice – and returned to the office by Friday 26 February when they will be collected by a member of the Boroondara immunisation team.
Immunisation will take place in the Kalimna building on the following dates:
Years 7 & 8: Monday 29 March 2021 at 9.30am AND Monday 18 October 2021 at 1.45pm
Years 10 & 11: Monday 29 March 2021 at 9.30am
Help wanted!
Our Term 1 tours for prospective families are fast approaching. In anticipation of strong numbers at these events our Registrar would welcome your help in assembling information packs. If you are free on Monday 1 March from 9.30am - 10.30am and happy to lend a hand, please let Nerel Ezra know via email at Thank you.
Lunch ordering has commenced
Our online lunch provider, Classroom Cuisine, creates and delivers (to the front office) healthy and affordable school lunches. Available through the week except Tuesdays, you can order online up until 8.30am on the day the lunch is required. A TWO COURSE lunch costs between $8.25 - $10.20 and a THREE COURSE lunch costs between $9.95 - $11.90.
Next newsletter
The next edition of the Secondary School newsletter will be published on 3 March. To read previous issues or our Arlington and Alumni issues visit the iNewsletter Library here.
Judy O'Donnell
Secondary School Reception