Performing Arts

VCE Performing Arts Success!

It's been a hectic few weeks for the Performing Arts Team in our first few weeks back, as VCE Music and VCE Theatre Studies participated in their external VCAA Performance Examinations. 

Students in the VCE Music class demonstrated tenacity and excellent team skills as they supported each other through their group examinations. Thank you to the extra student volunteers that performed along with the class, to ensure they were well and truly prepared for the examiners. 

Out Theatre Studies students presented their monologue performances as well in the last few weeks - this daunting task was tackled with professionalism and academic rigour, and we congratulate the girls in their approach to their external assessments.

Instrumental Music Night!

Join us for a night of musical talents! Wednesday 24th October, 6pm in the College Library. 

Students from Year 10 and 9 Music class, along with the Instrumental music students will present group and solo work from their lessons over the year. 

This free event is open to all members of the community, and we look forward to seeing you there!


Genelle Lentini

Performing Arts Leader