2-28 + 6-8 + P11


In 6-8 we have been learning and discovering plenty of wondrous things to end our primary school experience. One of the things we have been working on are our market day stalls. Market day is an opportunity for year 6 students to support Australian charities, as well as learning about how to run a business and efficiently work in a team. We have been using a checklist to make sure all of our stalls are the best they could possibly be. We hope

                                           to see you all on Thursday October 17th!


Our class novel for the past term has been ‘Refugee’ by Jackie French. In the story we have written notes on different characters we have chosen to study. On November 1st we will hand in a ‘suitcase’ filled to the brim with letters and journal entries, as well as letters, drawings and artefacts important to our character.



This term our year 6 classroom has started science every second even week. We have been looking into solids, liquids and gasses more thoroughly. We’ve so far conducted fun experiments such as ‘who can melt their ice the fastest’. We would work in a group and make hypotheses. We also have looked into electricity during inquiry in class.


We are always working hard in 6-8. An example of this is in maths. We have our own process that we are expected to follow. We do Mathletics tests to see where we are in our learning, and from that test we see what we can improve on. We focus on our own goals so by the end of the year, we can be experts in math.              By Mackenzie and Bridgette 6-8

Science in 2-25


In 2-25 we have been exploring our term 4 Guided Inquiry unit  - Robot Buddies and doing some experiments with push and pull machines. 

“The experiment was fun, we got to try lots of different ways to make the ‘dog treat feeder’ work using Dominos” - Sandu

“I liked how it was a challenge to try to get the bottle cap ‘treat’ to fall into the ‘dog’s mouth’ - it was fun, scientific and robotic.” - Lohith

“I liked how everybody was working together as a team to make the ‘treat’ fall into the ‘dog’s mouth’.” - Sienna

“It was really cool because we could see how the amount of pressure we used and the length of our Domino run meant whether we gave the ‘dog’ a ‘treat’  - Yash

“It was fun because we learnt new things and got to do an experiment.” - Scarlett

“It was fun making the ‘dog treat’ fall off the table. It was almost like a magnet was pulling it.” - Dylan


Prep 11

On Monday 14th October it was Prep 11’s turn to share some of our classroom learning at assembly.

Prep 11 really enjoy an active brain break and we also love counting so we decided to present ‘Count to 100’, with music by Jack Hartmann. Kai, Lorena and Jana used the microphone and introduced our item at the beginning. We had a few technical difficulties with our music but the Preps remembered the actions very well and put on a terrific performance whilst counting all the way to 100. Well done Prep 11!