School Information

Child Safety


  • Plenty Parklands is committed to the safety and wellbeing of all children and young people. This will be the primary focus of our care and decision-making. 
  • PPPS has zero tolerance for child abuse. 
  • PPPS is committed to providing a child safe environment where children and young people are safe and feel safe, and their voices are heard about decisions that affect their lives. 

General Office

Office Hours: 8.30am to 4.30pm

Telephone: (03) 9404 4311


School Website:

Lesson Times

Session 1: 9.00am to 9.50am

Session 2: 9.50am to 10.40am

Recess: 10.40am to 11.10am

Session 3: 11.10am to 12.00pm

Session 4: 12.00pm to 12.50pm

Lunch Eating Time: 12.50pm to 1.00pm

Lunch: 1.00pm to 1.50pm

Session 5: 1.50pm to 2.40pm

Session 6: 2.40pm to 3.30pm

Assembly Performance - Term 4

 21st October         5-5

28th October         P-12

4th November      No assembly (report writing Day)

11th November    4-31

18th November    P-13

25th November    3-19

2nd December      P-9

9th December       2-26

16th December    No assembly (whole school Fun Day)

20th December    Whole school assembly at 1pm

e-waste banned to landfill

The Victorian Government has banned e-waste (electronic waste) going to landfill as of 1 July 2019.

e-waste is the world’s fastest growing waste stream. In 2016, 44.7 million tonnes of e-waste was generated worldwide and only about 20 percent was recycled. Over the coming years, the amount of global e-waste is expected to increase to 52.2 million tonnes in 2021.


e-waste refers to any item with a plug, battery or cord that is no longer working or wanted, such as large appliances like fridges; small appliances like toasters and hair dryers; IT, telecommunications and TV equipment like computers and printers; lighting equipment such as fluorescent lamps; electrical and electronic tools like drills and sewing machines; toys, leisure and sports equipment such as hand held video games and radios.


Most e-waste contains valuable materials which can be recycled. e-waste also contains hazardous materials, such as heavy metals like lead, mercury and cadmium, which should be kept out of landfill.


Whittlesea Council has organised for our school community’s e-waste to be collected for FREE.  They have placed a skip in the Blossom Park staff car park for us to dispose of small items.  Please feel free to dispose of your small e-waste material before the skip is collected.

Home group placement process

Each year teachers face the very challenging and complex task of placing students in classes for the following year. Each year we follow a clear process aimed at providing a balance of talents, abilities, social issues and behavioural challenges in each class.


The role of each teacher is to make professional judgments following the complex criteria detailed below. The role of each parent is to discuss their child’s placement with them and explain that if they are not in the same class as their ‘best friend’ then there is a good reason for this and that they can still meet in the yard. Each new year is an opportunity for your child to make new friends. We ask you to model resilience to your child/children.


When thinking about next year please do not presume teachers will be teaching the same year level in 2020 as they did in 2019, as there will be changes.


Student placement process

  1. Explanation of the process and the Optional Special Consideration Request proforma are included in our newsletter and will posted through Compass.
  2. Special Consideration Request forms (due back to the principal by 9:00 a.m. on Friday 25 October) are read and considered by members of the principal class (Claire McInerney, Julie Nixon, Alison Devereux). Requests may be approved for consideration, however this does not guarantee they can be implemented.
  3. Any approved Special Consideration Requests, after consultation with the appropriate Leading teacher/s and Learning specialist and without specific reasons detailed, are placed in the confidential care of the leader of each year level.
  4. Teachers (class and specialists) use the process detailed below to construct a draft of the classes for the following year.

To ensure ‘a fair go for all’ in terms of the structure and membership of classes, we plan for, as far as is practicable:

  • equal size classes in the year level
  • equal spread of boys and girls in each class
  • equal spread of student abilities in each class
  • teacher and student welfare staff recommendations about separation of children because of behavioural issues
  • the sensitive placement of children who are on the Program for Students with a Disability
  • the sensitive placement of identified gifted children
  • the sensitive placement of children consolidating (repeating) or accelerating a year level
  • placement of twins according to parent request and teacher recommendation
  • placement of children who have worked with the same teacher for two or more years and who request a change
  • placement of children whose parents request not to have a specific teacher because of a previous unsatisfactory relationship
  1. Drafts are presented at a School Improvement Team meeting, (team consists of leadership staff at each year level, and senior staff members) where we review all lists and check the placement of students. Draft lists are also checked paying particular attention to students with special needs (intellectual, physical, social or emotional) and any recommendations or changes are discussed.  
  2. Units (class and specialist teachers) review class lists to make any further recommendations and check any changes made by the Leadership team.
  3. The Leadership team review class lists again.
  4. The Leadership team draft a plan of classes and teachers for each year level and in each specialist area for the following year.
  5. Final recommendations to principal class.
  6. If a teacher feels they need to discuss any aspect of the placement process with a parent, they will contact them prior to the official notification.
  7. Students and parents notified of 2020 class.


Please be assured that respect and care will be shown by teachers when placing children and please trust that teachers do know your child and will make the best possible decision for them, even if it is not the one you would have chosen.


To help prepare your child for the next year of school we will continue to set up many transition activities, including our whole school Transition Experience on Wednesday 4 December.  Your year level unit will inform you of the transition activities your child will experience to help them with the move into the next year level. Our aim is to ensure the children move smoothly to their next year level and that there is a fair go for all. 

Children will spend time in their 2020 class room with their 2020 teacher, if possible, and class on Thursday 19 December.


We seek your support to follow the PPPS process. If your child is not placed in a class with their best friend, help them to become more resilient and tolerant of others so they can make additional friends. Children can still meet their special friend and play together every recess and lunchtime. Even when children are in the same class they do not necessarily sit with their friend nor do they necessarily learn best with their friend. Friends may be in quite different learning groups. Sometimes it is better to have learning partners in class and special friends for playtime.


It would also be wonderful if children could make additional friends each year. This is a very beneficial life skill for children to learn so that they are not timid about going to a new school, to secondary school, to new sporting clubs, to TAFE, to University and when entering the workforce.


If you have any questions about the process please contact me.

Claire McInerney



If required, you have the opportunity to make an OPTIONAL confidential Special Consideration Request using the attached proforma. These are due to the principal by 9:00 am Friday 25 October.

Only the items listed will be considered. 

Please be aware that we do not guarantee that requests will be met.

Also be aware this does not include requesting specific students or teachers as this is not part of our process.


Please note that you need to complete this Special Consideration Request form for 2020 below, regardless of any you may have submitted in the past.


Library donations



Thank you to Isabella + Sebastian A for their book donation to the Libary.