Principal's Message

Dear parents and families
I would like to dedicate my Principal’s Message to our Year 12 students who had their last classes this week.
On behalf of all your teachers, I would like to say what a pleasure it has been to support you on your learning adventure and we wish you well in your upcoming exams. Whether you joined us in Year 7 or in the past few years, your DNA is now intertwined with MGSC’s forever.
MGSC is not just an entity comprising of bricks and mortar but classrooms buzzing with your thoughts. Your unique contributions to the culture of MGSC are embedded in the very fabric of MGSC and because of you; MGSC is not just a place, a location or a destination. It has been a second home to you and I hope you will have happy memories of your time here for years to come.
Life is full of opportunities. You are the master of your own destiny through the choices you will make along the way. Your first Lego block was just a block until you imagined it could be a house, a car, or a castle. The first letter you ever wrote was a link between the spoken and written word and the first word you wrote was an insight into what had meaning to you like “mum” and “dad”.
When you combined those words with drawings, you communicated their importance to your world through how much room they took up on the page. As teachers, you, the students, take up all of the room on our page. We relish in sharing your dreams for the future and we look forward to hearing back from you in the years to come.
To quote Dr Suess in his book I Can Read with My Eyes Shut, “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn the more places you’ll go.”
The future is yours. Go out and claim it.
Ms Linda Brown
Queen's Scout
Congratulations to Year 12 student, Lizzie Honeybone, who attained her Queen's Scout award this year.
At a very special ceremony at the 4th Mordialloc Scout Group, Lizzie was presented with her Queen's Scout Badge and her name unveiled on the honour board. Director of Senior School Sylvia Christopoulos and myself were delighted to attend this very special event together with The Hon. Mark Dreyfus, Federal Member for Isaacs and Tim Richardson, MP, Member for Mordialloc and and other local dignitaries.