World Challenge

New team leader
Please ensure you have sent in your passport with the completed application form and money to a Nepalese Embassy for the Nepal visa.
Teams should be thinking about allocating jobs for things that have to be organised such as visiting attractions in Bangkok and organising transport and accommodation either side of the trekking phase (as there is very limited telecommunications whilst trekking near Mt Everest).
Unfortunately, Ms Amy Willett has sustained an injury and is no longer able to accompany Team 2. Ms Willett, together with Ms Amanda O'Hara, have worked hard to support their team over the past 16 months. Ms Fiona Faulkes, who has vast travel experience, has kindly offered to take Ms Willett's place.
Hint #19: Never share food or drinks with anyone as you may not know that they have a bug in the tummy about to make you sick.
Mr Michael Warden
World Challenge Coordinator
Bohemian Rhapsody film fundraiser
World Challenge team the Red Hot Chili Steppers are holding a film night to raise funds for the Nepalese community. They are presenting a special screening of the hit, hot movie
Bohemian Rhapsody
Wednesday 7 November at 7pm
at Village Cinemas, Southland
Tickets are $26 and include the movie, small popcorn and drink
Tickets are available at:
If you would like to look at/share the event on Facebook, please click on this link -
The students have put in a lot of time and effort preparing for this, so I’m sure they would love to see you there to support a great cause.
Ms Amanda O’Hara
World Challenge Team Leader