Specialist News
Cycling opportunity
Last term on our Ride2School day we were fortunate to have Alison and Kay attend from St Kilda Cycling Club. They brought track bikes and students had a go during recess. If any students are keen to get involved in cycling, St Kilda Cycling club run a great programme on Saturday mornings at Darebin International sports centre, Thornbury. Check out: https://www.skcc.com.au/juniors/ for further information.
House Cross Country
On Tuesday 7th May (Wednesday 8th May back-up date) all students from Foundation to Grade 6 will participate in our House Cross Country Carnival. This is held at school and around the block to create the required District cross country distance for our older age group students. The schedule is as follows and we invite you to come along and support.
In determining age group – it is the student’s age by the end of this academic year (December 31st 2019). For example, if a student is currently 10, but turns 11 in August of 2019, they will need to run in the 11-year old’s race. The first four from each race and gender will receive a ribbon. The top 8 male and top 8 female finishers from the 9/10, 11, 12/13-year-old races will go through to the Balaclava District competition to be held on Monday 20th May (22nd May back-up). These students will receive a permission form following the event.
To assist with supervision of this event and scoring we require parent helpers. It is very important to keep our students safe. All that is required is to assist from: 8.45am -10.40am. If you are available to assist, please email Jo who co-ordinates the event on ritson.joanne.j@edumail.vic.gov.au or sign up to the volunteer sheet which is on the office main door.
Jump Rope Prize Update
Jump Rope for Heart prizes have been dispatched and should arrive with us very shortly. As soon as they arrive at school they will be distributed.