Year 5/6 News
What you missed at Mr H's info session
What are the important things you need to know to help your child through Year 5/6?
- Start of the Day: Arrive at school; diaries in tub, chair down, brain food and drink out. Bell; Play Is the Way; back to class; ready to start.
- Communication: VIP- through school diaries or come and see me. Can leave notes or messages in the diary, sign off that notices have been received.
With your child, come in and see what they’ve been up to. If there are any problems please see me, no matter how small. Need three-way communication – school, parent and teacher
- Homework: Read 5 times a week. Complete Homework grid.
- Attendance: is imperative, miss testing, introductory topics, has a huge impact on learning
- Preparation for Secondary School: organization social skills, getting along
- Play Is The Way
Specialists in Year 5/6:
ART: Kerry Tregowith
MUSIC: Meredith Birnie
MARC Van: Tracey King
P.E & Health: Benita Spence
DIGITAL TECH: Jody Achterdenbosch
Behaviour: Developed our Class Code of Conduct around school values of Respectful, Responsible, Resilient, Curious and Do Your Best.
Leadership Opportunities: School Captains, Sports Captains, Art Captains, Enviro Captains, Resource Captains, SRC, Class Captains, Cooperative Learning Groups, Peer Mediators
Bank Books
Learning through hands on / real life experiences: Pencil boxes, Family Fun Night
Prom Camp: WWC card, School Council Approval
Eating and toilet breaks.
Cyber Safety
Year 6: Looking at Secondary Schools (now), Transition Program, Year 6 Project, Year Book, Graduation Dinner.
Bushy Day
by Flynn Polley
On Bushy Day we got new fire drums from a truck with oil so we had to burn the oil out but that did not work so we had cooked damper and Flynn Polley had a roasted apple. The activity’s we enjoyed were knot tying, bush dance and bush art. The grade 5/6 have also been working on tents.
Pencil Boxes
By Claire Crawford
This is where we craft boxes for different purposes. Every kid in class enjoyed this activity and it bought out the best in others. Lots of kids volunteered to help others in the class to construct their pencil boxes and it made Mr.H and Anne very proud (it’s easy to tell).
Drilling for most kids isn’t new (if your name is Jack Silcock it really isn’t new) but kids like me who have never worked a drill do find it a bit nerve-wracking and I am still a bit uncomfortable using a drill(I am not going to be super-comfortable first time round). But I am a bit still confident. It is something to look forward to when you get into grade 5/6. Do not miss out.