Play is the Way LIFE RAFTS
PLAY is the WAY
PLAY IS THE WAY® is a practical methodology for teaching social and emotional skills using guided play, classroom activities and an empowering language.
It is a process that gives primary schools a way to develop, improve and entrench the personal and social capabilities of students.
Our Play is the Way program occurs four mornings every week at the start of each day and students are given regular opportunities to develop their social skills, emotional awareness and to build their resilience. These are all essential to developing students who are respectful and able to work together to resolve issues without bullying.
We encourage our parents to learn about the 'life rafts' and to use the language of Play is the way at home, enjoy discussions about what each of these mean and join in our games at school in the mornings.
Play is the Way has six life rafts which give clear messages about behaviour, including:
Treat others as you would like them to treat you.
If someone is unlike you, seek to understand them
It takes great strength to be sensible
We do the right thing because it the best thing to do
Pursue your personal best no matter who you work with.
We don’t come to school to be better than others.
We come to school to better ourselves by being
able to work with others.
Be Brave – Participate to Progress
School is about stepping bravely into the unknown. The unknown is often uncomfortable. The braver you are, the more you learn.
Have reasons for the things you say and do.
If you don’t why you’re doing something then don’t do it because it’s most likely wrong.
Be the Master not the Victim of your Feelings
Am I doing the right thing or the wrong thing?
Am I making a strong decision or a weak decision?
Are my feelings in charge of my actions or is my thinking in charge?
Am I running away fro the problem or am I dsealign with it?
Am i being my own boss or am I inviting my teacher to be boss?
Is my teacher trying to help me or hurt me?