Important Information For Parents
Save the Date:
Friday 22nd June
Save the Date: Friday 22nd June
Our Parents & Friends Association are busy organising our major fundraiser for 2018. We will be hosting a comedy evening including hypnotist Bizarre Gazzard and comedian Adam Chicken Palmer. The night will be great fun and everyone is invited. We hope you can lock in the date and bring along your friends and family to support our school.
Asthma Plans
A current Asthma Plan is required for any students who suffers from Asthma. please collect a form form the office and complete and return ASAP.
Hot Cross Buns
Orders are due back March 15th
Dont miss out!
Easter Raffle
Once again it is time for our monster Easter Raffle to take place. Donations of eggs and other Easter goods would be really appreciated. Raffle will be drawn at our final assembly on Thursday 29th March. Raffle tickets will be sent home shortly.
Crazy Hair Day
Each year for the past four years we have held a "Crazy Hair Day' and ask students to bring a gold coin donation towards the Royal Children's Hospital Good Friday Appeal. This year Crazy Hair Day will be on Thursday 29th March. Time to start thinking about your crazy hair do and get organised!
Updated Personal Contact Information
All parents are asked to update their contact details with the school office if they have changed. There is nothing worse than trying to contact a parent or an emergency contact only to find that the phone umber listed at school is out of date. Please ensure you inform the school if you change address, emergency contacts or phone numbers
Lost Property
There are a number of items in lost property already this term. Please come and check for your children's clothing.
The Sherar family is missing a size 12 navy blue school polo shirt which is clearly named. Please check you have the correct uniform items and if you find the missing top reutnr to schol urgently.
Head Lice
There have been a number of reports of head lice this week. It is essential that hair is treated to reduce the lice being shared amongst more students. Please check your children's hair regularly and if you find live lice or eggs please treat immediately. If you have been notified by the school that your child has head lice please treat your child as soon as possible, before returning to school, to assist our community to control head lice at the school.
If you are unsure of how to identify head lice and their eggs or unaware of effective treatments please contact the office for help and information.
Head lice do not transmit infectious diseases – they are transmitted by having head to head contact with someone who has head lice. Head lice are common in school aged children and are the most adaptable of creatures. They have survived living solely on humans for 10,000 years!
If head lice or eggs are found on your child’s hair you need to inform:
- the school and advise when treatment has started, via the Action Taken Form
- parents or carers of your child’s friends so they too have the opportunity to detect and treat their children if necessary
Health regulations requires that where a child has head lice, the child should not return to school until the day after appropriate treatment has started.
Continual ongoing treatments can be expensive, cause inconvenience and take up a lot of time for parents. Many parents do become frustrated when they have treated their child for lice and other parents continue to send their children to school untreated and continue the cycle of sharing lice.
Out of consideration for all families, I ask that you take a few minutes to check your child / ren and treat their hair if you find eggs and/ or live lice. Loch Primary School is aware that head lice can be a sensitive issue and is committed to maintaining your confidentiality.