RE - 1/2UR 

Ms Rivas

This week the students of 1/2 UR learnt about two significant days observed in the Catholic tradition, Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday. The students first discussed what they already knew about these days with a talking partner. They then immersed in bible stories, videos and images relating to these special events in our calendars. The students had the opportunity to eat delicious pancakes on Shrove Tuesday and learnt the reason for this celebration. Students learnt that it was a tradition in which Christians used up all the food they had in their cupboards and kitchens to prepare for the Lenten season. Students reflected on the meaning of this special celebration by drawing a picture of a pancake and writing a few things they were thankful for as a way to reflect on all they had. Students also visited the church on Ash Wednesday to receive ashes and their blessing. 


They spent time that day writing a reflection about their experience. 

They wrote about what they saw, heard and felt during mass. It was an eventful week for the 1/2 class.