Principal's News

Mr Rodrigues

Dear Families,

As we all know, these past two years have been a challenging time for all of us around the world, however, for the most part there seems to have been a united effort to deal with the challenges COVID 19 has presented. It is very sad for us to now be witnessing what is happening in the Ukraine at a time when our world needs peace and hope more than ever. On Monday, Mr Anania reminded all of us that we must pray for this hope and that our world must work toward unity and peace between countries. It is important for us as parents to ensure our children are protected from this sort of sadness but are also able to understand, how lucky we are here in Australia and what we can do to support those overseas. I ask each family to also offer their prayers for the people of Ukraine and all those suffering because of war.  


A Prayer for Ukraine

Gracious God, we pray for the people of Ukraine suffering from war. May they be held in your loving care and protection and given the strength to endure their suffering and hardship. Transform the hearts and minds of those who perpetuate the violence and oppression. Grant wisdom to world leaders in advancing efforts toward peace; may they not be compromised by self-interest and blind indifference. We ask all this through the intercession of Our Lady of Perpetual Help and in the name of your Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever.



Preps commence full time

This week has been our Preps first full week of school so I am sure they will appreciate the weekend to rest and refresh at home. They are already making great gains in their learning with the support of their classroom teachers, LSOs and school leaders all working together to provide some targeted learning at each child's point of need. 

Prep Welcome Playdate

What a wonderful time we all had at our Prep Playdate afternoon on Wednesday. The opportunity to be together as a group was something we have been looking forward to, as it is such an important part of our new families getting to know each other in a more relaxed atmosphere. I will let these pictures tell the story of this special occasion. 

Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Tuesday)

A very big thank you to those parents and grandparent who were able to assist, at very short notice, with the making of enough pancakes to feed each child and quite a few teachers at Trinity. I am sure everyone who ate one of these delicious pancakes will join me in sharing their appreciation.  

What is Shrove Tuesday and why is it celebrated?

Shrove Tuesday is a Christian festival celebrated in many countries across the world. It falls on the Tuesday before the beginning of Lent – a period of around six weeks leading up to Easter. During Lent, Christians give up luxuries to remember when Jesus went into the desert for 40 days to fast and pray.



Ash Wednesday Mass 

Yesterday our whole school community was able to celebrate Ash Wednesday together in our Church. Our children have been learning about the importance of the Lenten season in the Catholic tradition and were all able to receive the blessing of the Ashes which marks the beginning of Lent. 

Fr Trung Mass of Installation

Fr Trung is joined by his mum.
Fr Trung is joined by his mum.

Our Congratulations to Fr Trung SJ,

 who is now officially installed as the Parish Priest of St James and St Ignatius Parish. Fr Trung was joined by his family from Queensland and South Australia, as well as many parishioners, for this very special occasion.  


Lunch Time Clubs

As I hope you are all aware, many of the teachers and LSO's at Trinity run clubs at lunch and snack times. I will try and feature a little write up of each of these over the next few weeks to give you an idea of the great opportunities available to your children.  

Friendship Club

Thanks Ms Antonella for running our Friendship Club. Our Friendship Club provides a great environment for children, from all year levels, to come together to play a wide range of games, draw or just chat, while developing important social skills. 

Parent Helper Workshops

We have had a great response to our Parent Helper Workshops and in light of your requests Ms Marinelli has kindly offered to run a daytime onsite workshop as well as an evening online workshop to cater for those parents unable to attend during the day.

Our Onsite workshop will be held on Tuesday 8th March from 8:50am at school.  Please come to the office.




Our online workshop details: 

Time: Mar 7, 2022 07:30 PM Join Zoom Meeting:


Lunch Orders

Our Lunch Order Menu is now on our school website which can also be accessed HERE



Lunch orders are available each day. Children just need a paper bag clearly marked with their name, class, order and correct money.


Welcome Morning Tea 

for our volunteer parents

Join us for a morning coffee/tea and a chat. Everyone is welcome!

Thursday 10th March starting at 8.30am - 9.30am in the Library:  Please email Jenny Gill 

President, Parents & Friends 

or Ms Antonella Tsakmakis

Family Engagement Leader 

for any further information.


School Improvement - Parent Feedback

Thank you to all parents who completed the Talking Circles Survey.  From the feedback we have received there are clearly several important areas we can work on together throughout the year. Many of you who responded would appreciate the opportunity to share and learn about strategies and skills to promote wellbeing in our children through developing friendships and social skills. Behaviour management was also an area of interest for many parents. 


Rapid Antigen Test Kits

On Tuesday I sent home a government survey asking for feedback from parents and teachers on the Rapid Antigen Testing Program. I am aware that there have been quite a few surveys and forms to complete in these first few weeks, however, having your input into these programs and initiatives is extremely important to us.  I will try now to give you all a bit of break over the next few weeks. 


Financial Assistance Information for Parents

For more information and how to apply click the link HERE


Friday Assembly

For those of you who are able to join us online tomorrow from 2:45 here is the  

Google MEET link 


Community News (See Local Community Page)

Karate Lessons

Dance Lessons

Music Lesson

Organ Recital


Kind Regards

Mr Nigel Rodrigues 
